Modesty: Restoring a Lost Virtue

One of the major purposes of creating this blog is to bring attention to females; specially, Christian females and the way that we convey our beliefs and convictions to the world by our physical appearance. Physical appearance is huge! We are judged mainly by our appearance as females whether or not we like it or even agree with it. I am here to share some styling tips and ideas through personal photos to inspire modesty. I am NOT here however, to dictate what people should wear. 'Modesty' is one of my most favorite topics to discuss and one that I am highly passionate about. (1 Timothy 2:9)

"I will model a humble and teachable spirit 
and dress with modesty" 
                     Very well said.

What is modesty? Simply put: COVERING UP & LOOSENING UP. 'Covering up' the sensitive parts of our body such as cleavage, backs, undergarments, etc. Someone once said "the Victoria Secret garment should be kept secret." 'Loosening up' by eliminating tight clothing such as tights--should be worn as undergarments and NOT outer wear, blouses which exposes our midsection, mini skirts, short shorts, tight and sexually suggestive text tops, etc. My belief stems from 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 which says "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 20 For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's.  

I believe that my body is a temple of God and it belongs to Him alone; not to some guy or even to myself. In all that I do, it is my duty that He is at last glorified; chiefly in my dress. ...whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.-I Corinthians 10:31. It is also a conviction of mine that as along as I stand for Christ, my dressing should show forth my belief in Him. Because I have been called out of darkness into his marvelous light and here I find myself in the world, but I am NOT of the world. As a result, I am NOT to follow the fashion standard of the world but to come out and be separate. (Paraphrased from 2 Corinthians 6:171Peter 2:9John 15:19 and Romans 12:2)

Modesty does not mean boring. There is beauty in modesty! As a fashionista for Christ, modesty is something that is never compromised in the area of my dressing no-matter the situation.  My understanding of 1 Corinthians 6:19, 20 has made me realize that I am not of my own but  that I am actually bought with a prize --which is the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Therefore, I cannot do whatever I want with my body and dress anyhow especially if I am an ambassador for Christ! "...Now then we are ambassadors for Christ."-2 Corinthians 5:20. The way that I choose to dress (modestly) is an outward sign of an inward attitude. I pray that that inward attitude will begin to take place in the lives of young women as I progress to show modesty in its most classiestelegant and sophisticated form in Jesus' name, (Amen!)

Now,  I can tell you how you should dress and all of that but, the work primarily starts from within. As females, there is no doubt that we desire attention and acceptance. Sadly, we often seek attention in all the wrong places. We take it out on dressing provocatively in some cases knowing perfectly well that we will definitely receive attention from the opposite sex. As ladies, we should not entertain and tempt men by dressing immodestly (the very opposite of modest). Hear this: any guy who expresses to you their liking in your dressing immodestly is NOT worthy of you! He who does such is seeking after one thing(I believe you know what that is) and he will say and do whatever he sees fit to make you "happy". Please do do yourself a favor by not having such a guy come your way and dress modestly!

Real Christian men and even non-christian men will appreciate your choice of modesty in dressing, and admire it! (speaking from experience). Just as accepting Christ into our lives is a choice, so is Modesty. It is not about your parents, your church, or even me "pressuring" you to choose the path. It is a choice that YOU have to make for yourself knowing how highly prized your body is through God's Word. It is also a choice that pleases God altogether. In Deuteronomy 30:19 God says, "I have set before you life[modesty] and death[immodesty], blessing and cursing: therefore choose life[modesty]..."

Believe me, men will respect you for your modest appearance because they will see that you esteem and pride your body enough to cover it up. As women, we must know that our bodies are sacred. Our bodies are precious and it should be something that we take absolute dignity in as far as modesty is concerned. It is never okay for us to reveal delicate parts of our bodies to the world; thereby, mentally  and sometimes even physically offer ourselves to men to whom we are not committed to or think we "love". If we are faithful followers of Jesus Christ and even if we're not, we should not take pleasure in causing men to commit the forbidden sin mentioned in Matthew 5:28. We should considerably help men maintain purity by the act of guarding our bodies.

Listen up, I've got news for you. There is someone who loves you dearly--yes YOU! In fact, He's crazy about you! He loves you so much that He thinks of you everyday! Nevertheless, His heart cries everyday because you don't know Him. He is calling you to His heart today. He wants YOU to come to know Him so that you can experience His love and tell others about your new LOVE. That person is Jesus Christ! He loves you so much that he came to die for you. Do you seriously know of anyone who would put their life on the line just for you? Jesus made it His purpose/business while here on earth to save you from destruction (hell). So to you out there who don't feel loved by anyone, know that God loves you! Know that you are "fearfully and wonderfully made..."-Psalm 139:14. 

You are created in God's own image.-Genesis 1:27  And no matter how seemingly distorted, disabled, unappealing or unattractive you may feel or think you look, know that God has a reason for placing you here on earth and He is going to use you to fulfill His purpose for you to His glory on one condition: by you willfully allowing Him.  It is your job to realize that no matter what you look like, He loves you because He created you, and came to die for you so that you would be saved. You are beyond perfect in His sight! 

You are more than the choices that you've made. This is not about what you've done, but what's been done for. You are treasured, You are sacred, You are His, You're beautiful!  

Listen to these songs for encouragement: "Beautiful" by MercyMe and "You are more" by Tenth Avenue                                  

God bless,


  1. Girl! I cannot believe that no one has commented on this. One of the best posts I've read on modesty. People don't realize the BEAUTY that comes with being modest...

  2. AW, Praise God! Yes, you are very right. Many people's eye are sadly shut to the glory that accompanies choosing the path of modesty! Let's remember such people in prayer that God will touch their hearts and open their eyes by OUR exemplary lives to HIS marvelous light with which they will be enabled to see what God sees. Nonetheless, it is certainly nice to meet another sister in Christ who also honors modesty! :)

    Stay Modest and Blessed,


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