Song for the Soul: No Gray - Jonathan McReynolds

I really like this song! A youthful song, sung by a youthful guy!
God bless this young man.
Listen carefully to the lyrics and follow along provided below.

"And it'd be cool if we could love the Lord and still go do our thing 
See it doesn't work like that 
You gotta be white or black; no gray"-Well said!  


"No man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."-Matthew 6:24

Lyrics: (found here)

Now I wrote this song for somebody 
Cause I figure at some point in everybody's life 
We jus feel like 

Lord I'm split in two 
Part of me loves the world 
And the other loves You 
So what do I do 
I wanna be saved 
But I gotta stay cool too 
And no I'm not a fool 
I know eventually I'm gonna have to choose really I don't wanna lose 
My ticket into heaven 
And a chance to be used by You 

And if it's You I'm after 
Then I can't serve two masters 
And before something happens 
I gotta turn it all around 
Because I know 
I can't just have my cake and eat it too 
Cause it's real easy to stay on the fence and still do You 
And it'd be cool if we could love the Lord and still go do our thing 
But see it doesn't work like that 
I gotta be white or black 

Oh ooohh 

Lord I've realized 
when it comes to sin 
You just don't compromise 
It's a matter of death and life 
Be weak and do wrong 
Or be strong and do right 
And I don't wanna keep going to church 
Singing about how much You're worth 
And then continue doing my dirt 
Living as if I didn't care if You're hurt 

And if it's God that I'm after 
Then I cain't serve two masters 
And before something happens 
I gotta turn it all around 
Because ya know 
You can't just have your cake and eat it too 
Cause it's real easy to stay on the fence and still do You 
And it'd be cool if we could love the Lord and still go do our thing 
See it doesn't work like that 
You gotta be white or black 

We saint's gotta 
Get it together 
Just gotta 
Get it together 

And if it's God we're after 
We gotta pick one master 
And before something happens 
We better turn it all around 
Because ya know 
You can't just have your cake and eat it too 
Cause it's really easy to stay on the fence and still do you 
And it'd be cool if we could love the Lord and still go do our thing 
See it doesn't work like that 
You gotta be white or black 

Cause it don't work like that 
You gotta pick white or black... 

No gray 
No shades of gray 
No no no no no no no no nah 
Don't work like that 
Gotta be white or black

Be blessed!


  1. this song is very true

  2. Isn't it? I feel like it is directly speaking to youth who are kind of divided between surrendering their all to Christ yet still being able to appear "cool" and fit in with "friends." I really like this song. Gentle reminder of choosing one or the other. "No man can serve two masters for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."-Matthew 6:24

    God bless you!


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