Style Idea: Maxi Dresses and Skirts=Awesome!

If I haven't yet mentioned it, I absolutely LOVE long skirts and dresses! To me such clothing project elegance, modesty, and class. Apparently, the weather wasn't too terrible out today 11/27/11; therefore this outfit was rightly suited for the day. If you can refer back to a post, the gray maxi dress the I am wearing below is actually a product of my "Black Friday" spree :)

If you can recall from a previous post, I touched a little on how a scarf can be utilized both as an accessory and is, in fact, a necessity during the Winter Season. Well, the outfit below is a nice representation of both. The scarf that I have on is rectangle in shape. To create the look shown, I simply tied opposite ends of the scarf which resulted in somewhat of a triangle. I then wrapped it approximately thrice around my neck. It added a nice pop of color to the outfit, and of course warmth :) 

This song (Ghana Gospel) is currently on repeat; and I just wanted to share.
"I will give God all the praise and thanks for He didn't let me encounter any harm."

Preparing for a DAY this week that is very special to me ;)

I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart; I will glorify your name forever.-Psalm 86:12

Hope your Sundays have been awesome as has been mine!
God bless all,


  1. Well, this is what being born again is about...never ashamed of the testimony of Christ. He who has drank from the Temple of Christ never desires a taste of filth coming from the pit of hell. Go ahead, beautiful angel of God. May grace be poured more and more on you till you are overflowing with His radiance wherever you go. Shalom!


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