Curly Hair: Bored With Your Two-Strand Twists? Let Them Loose and Call It "A Cute-Hair Week!"

After wearing my hair in two-strand twists for usually about two weeks, I untwist the twists for another style called a "twist-out." I normally wear this "twist-out" hairstyle for a week and then wash the hair and sometimes repeat the process. It is a fun style. I can wear it just as it is seen in the photograph, or separate them to create a more voluminous curly look. I often create so many styles with my two-strand twists all the way to when I loosen the twists for a "twist-out" and beyond. Oh, the versatility! I love it! Give it a try! :)

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God bless You!


  1. I personally love this hair tutorial because I am going natural and now am transitioning sometimes it is hard because there are to different hair types my perm hair and natural hair.I really think you should create a youtube channel.I too am creating a youtube channel so maybe that something we can do together but that just an idea.I love love this hair tutorial and I am so excited to do this .
    with love Your cousin Jessica

  2. Aw, Hi Jess! I am so happy to know that you have chosen to embrace your naturally curly hair! Aw, sorry to hear that. I've heard some not so nice stories about the transitioning process. But what kind of styles and products do you use for your hair? Try and give me a call or text me so we can talk more about this. Talk to you then.


  3. My phone fell in the toilet
    so you can email me @


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