New York Needs You!

New York Needs me? Really? Yes!
New York Needs You is a two-year career development fellowship program designed for first generation college students who posses great ambition and high potential to achieve their career and professional goals. I am blessed to be a member of New York Needs You. As a fellow, I have not only realized my career and personal potentials, I have in addition been inspired by other Fellows, Mentor-Coaches and Volunteers as well as staff to reach for greatness and to pursue my career passions without any doubts knowing that "with God, all things are possible!"

There are currently two class of fellows. There is a 2010 and a 2011 class. We are on a search for our 2012 third class of ambitious young people who are passionate about education, have a desire to learn and grow both professionally and personally to ultimately obtain their targeted careers. So..could YOU be the person described? Are YOU an ambitious first Generation College Student?

There are many benefits to becoming a fellow of New York Needs You that myself and others have enjoyed and will continue to enjoy--unless of course YOU decide to join us and share the many joys of being an NYNY Fellow. As a potential New York Needs York Fellow, you will attend bi-weekly workshops that are created for progression in your professional and career endeavors. You will learn the proper ways to cultivate a well-written and potential-employer-friendly resume, as well as a cover letter. You will also be taught essential ingredients for nailing an interview and getting the job! I can go on and on about the benefits of NYNY but I wouldn't want to give everything away. I want YOU to come on over and experience and testify for yourself. :)

Okay fine, I couldn't resist, I'll give you more benefits ;). As a potential Fellow, you will be assigned to a Mentor-Coach who will guide, support and provide you with feedback on everything from your English paper, the dreaded transfer application, your resume, find and secure an internship pertaining to your career field of choice, etc. Your Mentor-Coach will be there for YOU every step of the way! She or he will be available to help you. Not only is he or she your Mentor-Coach, that individual is a well educated and successful person who will give you tips and advice about the professional world as you embark on that journey.

Oh! Did I mention that as a fellow, you will receive FREE professional attires? Did I also mention that You will receive a professional grant? In addition, the program is not limited to specific careers. All career aspirations are welcome! Also, well accomplished individuals such as Physicians, Lawyers, Accountants, Entrepreneurs--basically any industry that you can think of are invited to our workshops and in fact are careers that our Mentor-Coaches, Staff and Volunteers have achieved. We are granted the opportunity as Fellows to network and ask the professionals questions as it relates to their industry and how we can become professionals as they are!

Sounds convincing enough? Why don't YOU join us at New York Needs You? It is a fun place to be and we will warmly welcome YOU to our family. You know YOU want to! ;)

If You are interested in becoming a part of this awesome Fellowship program and believe that you fit the credentials, would like to explore the program a little further and begin the application process that is due MARCH 1 2012, you may send an email of interest to ''. Please feel absolutely free to ask any questions that you may have either below in the comment box, or to the email mentioned above. 
You may also visit our website and join our family on Facebook by "liking" our Facebook page. I also thought that this video would be of great interest to you as you ponder on becoming a part of us--check it out!
Bonus ;)
This lady in the lovely red would be my NYNY Mentor-Coach (M.C.). In this photo, we were at our December 3rd, 2011 New York Needs You Workshop at Goldman Sachs Manhattan, New York :)

We hope to hear from you!

God bless You!
