Movie: "Sunset at Mid-Day"

It is my pleasure to welcome YOU to the first of many Movies on this blog! Exciting, isn't it? I'm pretty excited! As you may know, God IS the center of this blog and that is never to change. The movies that I intend to display on this site are nothing more than heavenly-minded, spiritually uplifting and encouraging films.

Due to the break that I have been enjoying away from school, and the immense amount of time that I have on my hands, I have been watching some pretty amazing Christian movies that I would love to share with you all! This particular movie really shook me! It is very good! It was extremely unpredictable; yet very moving! It specifically spoke to the hearts of YOUTH of this generation--, especially Christians. Its message is powerful, direct, and clean. This movie and many others to be shown in the future were produced by a Christian ministry in Nigeria called Mount Zion Ministries. Have you got a Youth Group? I think you should organize a movie night or afternoon with loads of popcorn, drinks, sweets, and show THIS MOVIE! :)

Anyway, enough writing, please do sit back, and enjoy! Also, do let me know your thoughts below.


Movie: "Sunset at Mid-Night"

Be Blessed!
