Hey, I have curly hair, which products do I use on my hair?! HELP!


 The shelf shown in the photo above must be overwhelming to the female who may be searching for hair products such as shampoos, conditioners, and stylers. One might think where do I start? How do I know which ingredients to look out for that would work best for my hair type? What about the cost? I want a good product for my hair, but I also don't want to break the bank in doing so. Hmm, this is going to be a long day! *sighs* 

 I have used many products on my hair; some of which I probably wouldn't be able to recall at this moment. However, in the last few years, I have learned much about curly hair. I have learned how to care for it, what types of ingredients in products that works best for it, how to style it, as well as what kinds of styles aids in its preservation and helps it retain length, etc. My understanding of hair products is that it doesn't primarily help hair grow, but rather it is to help support the hair by enhancing its physical appearance and durability; along with proper styling, thus enabling one to retain length. In this post, I will discuss my experience with the products that I currently use on my hair. I will discuss the shampoos that I use that I have found to work best on my hair. I will also consider the conditioners and stylers I presently trust for my hair. I hope one will learn something from this post and though all of our hairs are beautifully different as God intended it to be, and that not all products that work for my hair type may work for your hair type, I sure hope that this post will nevertheless, serve as a guide to you as you search for curly hair products for your hair. 

When it comes to shampoos, my main goal is for the shampoo to have a foaming agent. This foaming agent is best known as Sodium Laureth Sulfate; another is Sodium Lauryl Sulfate. Many females with curly hair fear to use any hair product with these agents present in it as it is scientifically proven that it strips the hair of its natural oils. Although true, if one has learned the art of restoring the moisture stripped by these agents back into their hair after cleansing, there is absolutely no need to fear. In order to replenish my hair after shampooing, I apply coconut oil onto my hair and it immediately eliminates any 'hard' feeling or any 'squeaky clean' feeling that the shampoo might have left behind off of the surface of my hair and on my scalp as the oil penetrates the hair shaft--strengthening the hair. I am somewhat selective of shampoos. I almost use any shampoo on the shelf (except for dandruff shampoos and non foaming shampoos) as long as it has a foaming agent. But I would have to say that my favorite shampoo to use is the VO5 Moisture Milks Shampoos line specifically the strawberry and cream. It is a very moisturizing shampoo even though it has a foaming agent in it. I have tried non Sodium Laureth Sulfate and Sodium Lauryl Sulfate shampoos and I DID NOT like it; it made my hair feel unnecessarily hard. In addition, it took too long for my hair to get cleansed due to its lack of "foam." 

I am in no wise forcing anyone to use any of the hair products already mentioned and will be stated in this post as one continues to read. Neither am I encouraging nor discouraging anyone from using shampoos that have Sodium Laureth Sulfate or Sodium Lauryl Sulfate as part of their ingredients list. I am only speaking strictly from MY experience. I am just sharing what works best for my hair hoping that it will help someone else out there. 

Let's move on, shall we? :)

The area of conditioners is where I become slightly selective.  I have found that conditioners that have a thick consistency outstandingly benefits my hair; lighter consistency conditioners leave my hair less moisturized and almost dry. Therefore, when shopping for conditioners there are some key words that I keep in the back of my mind. These include words like "thick," "rich," "creamy,""moisturizing," "for dry hair" also "with 100% natural ingredients." Conditioners that have these words written on them as an advertising tool in my experience, "replenishes and leaves my hair well-nourished and beautiful." My favorite conditioners are Suave Professionals almond and shea butter conditioner. I love this product! While in need of a good conditioner for my hair and after hearing plenty of good reviews about it, I decided to buy. I basically fell in love after the first use! (lol) My hair felt amazing! It softened my hair enough for me to detangle, it added a noticeable sheen to my hair and an incredible softness even after I rinsed the conditioner out of my hair! Also, the awesome smell of this product is definitely an added bonus! ;) I also like the "Herbal Essences" line; specifically Hydralicious Reconditioning Conditioner" and "Hello Hydration." These two are great products as well. Both have a thick consistency, super moisturizing, and smells amazing! ;) The best thing about the aforementioned hair products and about having curly hair in general is that one doesn't have to spend too much on products in order to achieve healthy hair, and to be able to manage their hair. These products are very much affordable AND work great!

I try to be minimal with products that I use on my hair overall, but especially those for styling. Again, when searching for stylers one should try to keep in mind the set of words discussed earlier for finding conditioners. As for me, I still use my shea butter mix as a styler mainly for two strand twisting my hair. It can be found in more detail here. But, I also use Carol's Daughter Hair Milk The Original Curl Definer. I really like this product. I don't normally comb my hair when it is dry. I mostly comb when I detangle during washing. I often use this product on my hair when I have worn my hair in a curly style for a while and I want to revitalize the style. To revive the style, I would have to comb through my hair to get a smooth look. Consequently, this product helps soften the hair for combing and keeps the hair well moisturized. Added to my styling arsenal is a product that I've come to really like lately called Palmers Coconut Oil Formula with Vitamin E Moisture Gro Shinning Hair Dress. This stuff is good! It's consistency is light yet creamy, it's made with pure coconut oil, and it smells yummy! :) I use it to twist, or as a moisturizer after I have finished washing my hair before I thread my hair. Threading helps elongate the hair for further styling. It's a great moisturizer and makes the hair feel soft to the touch which is always nice. I use all of my hair products based on availability and according to my mood on a particular styling day :)

So, those are the products that I currently use on my hair and that helps contribute to the overall health and sustenance of my hair. I hope one will take something away. If there are any questions, please do ask! :)

Furthermore, if a new product gets added to my current list of products or any of the ones mentioned gets subtracted from the present list, I will update.

P.S. please click on the name of the products in this post to view a photograph of it.

Thanks so much for reading, and God bless!



  1. I think I need to stop following you from afar and start following you from a-near...if there is such a word. lol

    I found your blog through a friend's Facebook profile and I'm impressed, especially with the curly hair sections.

    I'm Peace, fellow DLifer from Abuja, Nigeria.

    I really do admire twists and dreads but I've never really had the courage to go viral with them...lol...I'm more of a conservative person u know, I thread and weave my hair and its got to be work appropriate and all that.

    I did have long hair back in my university days but my hair suffered a serious setback when I came back to Nigeria, it practically broke off under two weeks! This was majorly due to the harsh weather changes and the fact that I was a complete ignoramus when it came to proper care of hair. I just took it for granted that I had long hair and I would just shampoo, cream and weave on the go. Conditioning and moisturising were not my thing, I never went out without my hair made.

    However, I've been struggling and praying to get my hair back to its length and I've also realised that I need to start taking proper care of it. I've read quite a library full of tips and advices on hair care but doing it is just an issue....lol! But thanks to your blog, especially this post, I've made some major changes:
    I've thrown out some products i used to use,
    I got the Palmer's coconut hair cream and its really sweet! thanks
    I also got the herbal essences hydralicious shampoo and I noticed a wonderful effect it had on my hair when I used it. I'm definitely sticking to it. I'm still looking out for the others and more. I decided this weekend to try something new on my hair - twists - instead of always threading, I think its taking a toll on my hair. I think I look weird...lol...my first twist in many years but I'm going to try staying with it till I get it right and it looks good on me.

    Welcome me to the club! lol...thanks for your posts, they saved a sister!!

    1. Oh my goodness this message completely made my day today! First of all, I really thank God that He has led you to the blog, and that the blog has been a great source of inspiration to you - I am humbled. It is very pleasant to meet you, Sis. Peace! According to your message it seems you schooled abroad, do you now reside in Nigeria or abroad? It is one of my dreams to fellowship in a DLBC church in Nigeria someday – who knows, maybe God will make a way for me to fellowship in Abuja! :) Also, when you say, "weave," are you referring to cornrowing or actual attachment of artificial hair?

      I am so sorry about your hair loss, but I believe God that with proper care and in any way that I can further help you, you will receive a restoration! What is the state of your hair right now? Aw, I am so happy that you've sought out some of the products mentioned in this post, and that they are working great thus far! It's really good to hear that you want to try something new with your hair. That's one of my favorite aspects of having curly hair. It is very versatile! I would definitely agree with your statement that threading takes a toll on one's hair.

      The hair and scalp needs to breath sometimes so trying out something new with your hair is a marvelous idea! It is certainly possible to style curly hair in a manner that is work appropriate, low maintenance, puts less tension on the hair and scalp, yet remains elegant. It just requires time, creativity, and lots of trial and error! But once you get the hang of it, it'll be much easier to style your hair. I encourage you to be persistent, and patient with your hair. Please let me know how the twists turns out this weekend! :)

      In the meantime, I am super humbled once again that the blog has "saved" the way that you care for your hair! That's the prayer, and I thank God that He has answered it on your behalf! Also, you are very welcome to the "club!" lol :)

      Please let me know of any questions that you may have in regards to hair, or whatever else.

      Stay curly, continue to pray for, and be hopeful with your hair!

      Take care, and be blessed


  2. Hi Charity! Thanks for the FB add. How did you find me?! lol

    I'm sorry iv not been able to check back for a while now. Thanks for your concern about my hair. Let me fill you in.

    I loosened the twists this Sunday. Before that, I washed and conditioned my hair with the twists on. I now have it threaded. Dear, my hair is not only curly, it is RUBBERY and HARD! Water shortens it drastically(it looks like a low-cut after washing...lol) and when exposed to hair, it gets hard. (those are the two forces of nature I have to contend with...lol. The loosening process was a task o! The thing got so tangled, my hair cut again during combing :(...How do I deal with that?

    To answer your questions:
    I now live in Nigeria, Abuja.
    When I say weave, I'm referring to natural braids. I no longer attach any stuff to my hair. I've learnt my lessons the hard way...lol

    I have a pic of the twists while they were been made by my sister on FB. I forgot to take a front pic. I know threading takes a toll on the hair especially if you dont get someone who can hold the roots gently but for the kind of hair i have, i have to thread regularly to soften it. I'd gladly try out other alternatives!

  3. I meant 'AIR' over there, not 'hair'...lol

    1. Hi Peace,

      Oh no! Okay so I definitely will not recommend you washing your hair while the twists are intact. As you've experienced, it causes severe tangling and eventual breakage. Water shortens my hair too! Lol, It is the interesting nature of our hair. (Plaiting and threading helps elongate it) Another thing is that you should consider washing your hair in sections.

      That process saved my hair and have found that washing in sections actually helps with detangling and aids in easier styling. After shampooing before conditioning I would suggest you section off your hair into about 7-10 sections and saturate each portion with loads of conditioner. Take a division and begin to comb through from the ends of your hair and gradually make your way to the roots. Following detangling, twist or plait that section so that it doesn't interfere with the rest.

      Rinse your hair while the twists are still in; you may also loosen each section one at a time to allow the water to run through and then gently re-twist to keep it from tangling again. After rinsing, apply oil ex: coconut oil onto each section of your hair - it will keep it softened. That's it - style according to your preference.

      I see the twists on FB - looks pretty good! And do I also see the Palmers Coconut Oil Formula with Vitamin E Moisture Gro Shinning Hair Dress? lol Nice! ;)

      Please follow this link to check out this post if you haven't already: http://modestic-elegance.blogspot.com/2011/10/lets-talk-curly-hair-care.html. It speaks more in depth about the washing process.

      I hope the above tips and the post will help!


  4. Did you say wash hair in sections? oh la la! That will take forever!! lol..ok. I'm going to try to be patient enough to do that.

    From what you said, I ought to loosen the twists before I wash and condition. And its best to wash and condition in sections, after which I apply coconut oil. Ok, I will certainly try that next time I wash and tell you the results.

    Thanks! And yes, that's Palmers Coconut oil formula I was using there! lol...
    I also started using Vital Olive Oil Hair Mayonnaise a my conditioner?


    Sorry for the untidy url...what do you think of it?

  5. Lol! You're funny Peace! I know exactly what you mean. Washing curly hair in sections initially wasn't too attractive to me either; but after unsuccessfully dodging it, there came a moment when I had to submit if I intended to preserve my hair lol; I haven't gone any other route since. Yes, the wash process does take a little long; but I do have to say that it is while worth it in the end.

    For you, you can just simply part your hair down the middle and shampoo each half at a time. However, when you are ready to condition, try to get at least 3 sections on each side as it will be easier to detangle - so 6 in total. Patience is definitely key. Yes, loosen the hair first before you wash and condition. Also try to "finger detangle" before applying a comb. I am awaiting the results!

    I haven't heard of Vital Olive Oil Hair Mayonnaise but it sounds pretty good! It seems like it has a lot of protein which will definitely strengthen your hair; I would say give it a try. Let me know how it goes!


  6. Happy New Year Charity! How's it been?

    I just wanted to tell you that I finally got to washing my hair in SECTIONS today! Ah! lol...I was already half-way through before I remembered 'Charity said to wash hair in sections!'...lol...so I styled them off in four, re-applied the conditioning shampoo and repeated the process...lol
    And I must say, aside the feeling of doing the same thing over and over again, it does make it easier to access every part of my scalp! Hmmm...Amazing! Thanks for that.

    Now my head feels fantabulous! lol...my hair is just sitting all pretty and soft saturated in Palmer's Coconut Oil Cream and sectioned into four. The only thing is, I got to work tomorrow and I dont know what Im going to do to make it presentable. I know you'l say twists...can't make them myself. I guess I have to learn. Seems im gonna have to tie it up tomorrow. *Le sigh*

    LOL...dont mind me!

  7. Lol! Sis Peace, it's so good to hear from you again, and Happy New Year! I'm so happy to know that 'sectioning' during washing was beneficial to you! In terms of styling your hair for work try out this style: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qpUnNFXhNyY&list=UUrFA-p6A-uIJ6jJbTFTAT9w&index=7. I do quite a lot of these styles with my hair. I was trying to see if I can find a picture to show you but I realize that I don't really have :(. But I thought this video was well recorded and would help! Here is another! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCqTva4A6eM :)

    I hope these videos will serve as a guide, and please don't be afraid to play with your hair until you achieve something! Sometimes after I have done my hair, I don't even know where I started or where I ended; as long as it has some sort of a form and its off of my neck, I am out of the house lol! It always surprises me how positively people react towards it. It's like I wouldn't even be able to give concise instructions on how I achieved the style lol. It's interesting.

    It's always unique and fun to do. Try it! :) Btw, in order to secure my hair in such styles, I use booby pins and mini combs which I talked about briefly in this post: http://modestic-elegance.blogspot.com/2012/10/curly-hair-high-bun.html. Also, give this bun a try too; I'm sure you'll invent your own styles along the way! :)

    Have fun! :D


  8. Hi sis Peace. I came across this style and thought it was cute as well - might give it a try myself! http://blackgirllonghair.com/2013/01/easy-protective-style-the-flat-twist-pin-up/


  9. Hmm...thanks for this! I'm downloading the video to see what I can do tonight. You wont believe I've been tying up my hair since January 1st! *shudder* *shudder again*
    Out of hair frustration, I stole time from work and went to my stylist today only to discover she's still not back from the holidays. So I certainly will try this, thanks!

  10. One more thing: do you know the bantu knots? I've been seeing them online alot lately and there's this particular picture of a black lady on bantu knots I love, would really love to try them out. Can you point me to a very good tutorial? thanks!

  11. And I found this/; http://www.entwinecouture.com/#!buy-now

    Do you use these products? They really seem to be good! I want to try them, you got to help me get them....lol! Oh first, do you recommend them?

  12. Hi Sis Peace!

    For Bantu knots, I thought these were good tutorials: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4BWt3_7WVQ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkbm9fG_88g. As far as the entwine product line I really cannot recommend; HOWEVER; there is a good review of the line by a curly head :) - check it out! & :) Here it is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UkDR1bkAaE&list=UUrFA-p6A-uIJ6jJbTFTAT9w&index=8.


  13. Thank you so much for the video, I'l see out to work it out with the help of a friend. I'l post the pics for you to see when I do.

    Since you can't recommend the entwine products, I'l stick to what I already have. *wink* Thanks tho!

    Oh by the way, I was able to put my hair in a mohawk and mini ponytail...lol...my french twists could not hold as I had no bobby pins. I think I might have to go shopping for hair accessories. Thanks dear! I do appreciate your help!

  14. Hey charity,could u do a post on ur hair care regimen. Like how often u wash ur hair, moisturize(daily or weekly) , if u trim etc. thanks

  15. Hey,

    Thank you for your request. I shall work on putting together this inquiry of yours by God's grace. I can't give you a specific date/time it will be posted, but be on the look out! Please do subscribe via email if you haven't yet :)

    Have a blessed week.

    God bless,


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