My Heart Do I Surrender, That I May Know More of You!

"Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled."-Matthew 5:6

What does it mean to hunger and thirst after God? When we thirst and hunger after God, we willingly and desirously seek after Him through His Word. We express the yearn to want more of Him. In doing so, He satisfies all areas of our lives because we obey His commandment to seek first His kingdom and thus, He adds all other things unto us (Matthew 6:33). Furthermore, we show God our appreciation for who He is by hungering and thirsting after Him. The Psalmist David says in Psalm 73:25 "...there is none upon the earth that I desire beside thee."It means that one realizes the need for God in their life. One comes to the realization that there is no other person on earth that they need more of than God. Also one perceives that they are indeed lifeless without the presence of God in their life. As humans, our purpose in this world is ultimately to find God; that is His desire "who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth." (1 Tim 2:4). After finding Him, He makes it clear to us what our purpose here on earth is, and He answers the many questions we have about life. He also performs a divine internal transplant of eyes and heart, through which we see what He sees and feel the pain that He feels toward a lost and perverse generation. We are gifted with these new spiritual organs in order to prompt us to rescue the perishing by leading others to also find God through Christ! 

God is EVERYTHING to us! Therefore, We should desire more of Him through His Word, EVERYDAY.

As I witness crime upon crime, natural disasters and all other unfortunate circumstances that daily surrounds us whether through the media or in our communities, there rises an eminent call for Christians to want, pray, and to seek the face of God more than ever before.This generation desperately needs God! The youth and children of this generation are chasing after material possessions; as well as idling famous celebrities in their hearts many of whom are leading destructive paths of life. As the Bible states "...and worshipped and served the creation more than the creator..." (Rm 1:25b) Young people idolize the rich and famous and are concerned with what those individuals are wearing, doing, going, etc. Youth's interest is how they can acquire the newest gadget on the market, the newest pair of footwear, clothing, likewise to be familiar with the latest song that popular Hip Hop and R & B artists have just dropped. All of these worldly pursuance and desires leaves no room for a relationship with God which leads many youth to profess that "there is no God." The Bible calls such people fools as it says "The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good" (Ps 14:1) because the greatest and most important relationship one could EVER have in their existence is one with God. Period. 

As a young adult of 2012, I choose to live an authentic life! I choose to be content and refuse to chase after the 'populars' of my generation knowing that "the fashion of this world passes away" (1 Corinthians 7:31b)  I am determined to want more of God and to allow Him to use me as an instrument in His hands in my generation. I am as well resolved to live a life as Daniel of old (The entire book of Daniel, specifically Chapters 1-4); one that is uncompromising, unyielding, unbending, unwavering, and that is built on the firm foundation which is Jesus Christ. I pray one day to witness a generation that pursues God and allows Him to saturate their hearts with the knowledge of His Word. So today I challenge You, I challenge You to be different--to take a firm stand for God! There are a few quotes that I like and that I want to share with you. One is "if you don't stand for something (in this case, for God), you'll fall for anything," the other is "if you're your authentic self, you have no competition." Ask God to help you not to submit to the pressures of feeling obligated to be like everybody else, but that He would change you from within by the renewing of your mind. I pray that the Lord will answer your prayer if you are sincere with yourself and to Him, in Jesus's name, Amen.  

Prayerfully listen to this song.

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May you be abundantly blessed by this post!
