Actions Certainly Speak Louder Than Words.

Love is a verb believe it or not. It is an action word. After one professes to love another, it is the actions after that profession of love that confirms that one does really love another individual. God through Jesus Christ is the perfect teacher as He shows us the greatest example of flawless, undiluted love. To show His love for mankind, He gave His one and only son Jesus Christ to suffer the death that through Him, we may have access to God Himself. Jesus died for the forgiveness of every sin (bad deed) that mankind (you and I) has ever committed. Though innocent, but in obedience to His Father, He bore all of our sins on the cross and at the very moment of His death, every sin was forgiven as Jesus states " is finished" (John 19:30). Jesus' death communicates to us the gravity of the love that God has for all mankind. 

God doesn't stop there, throughout history and even now, He continues to show humanity His love through the provision, protection, forgiveness of sins, health, and the precious gift of life. I don't know any love that is more powerful and sacrificial. Therefore, I boldly conclude that Jesus Christ is the greatest and continued love story of all time, period. But in order for us to fully enjoy the benefits of God's love and to entirely love God, others and ourselves, we must first respond to the call of whom the perfection of all things and of love flows--GOD. It is the desire of God that all men have the opportunity to hear of His great love like you are reading today ;), and to respond. "For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life" -John 3:16

You may not be eligible to attend the college of your dreams, qualify for a particular scholarship, or attain any good thing you may desire in life; but as long as you are alive and are breathing, guess what? You automatically without restrictions qualify for God's love! Isn't that amazing?! We all wish to be loved by someone out there; sadly, that may not always be a reality. However, God loved you even before you came into existence! Even so, I am sure you may feel extremely distant from God, yet He is ever near. Even right now; in fact, He is persistently knocking on the door of your heart only if you will open and let Him in! When you allow Him in, He gives peace, satisfaction, joy, and love--for Him and for humanity. I am one of many who have experienced the aforementioned benefits of allowing God into my life.

Will you also take a bold step and respond to the love of God as well? Look out for the next post as I show you how! :)

Kindly post any questions or comments in the comment box provided below.

Thank you very much for reading!

God bless.
With love,
