Bible Study: "Divine Purging For Preservation and Spiritual Progress"


Act 5:1-11

"The chapter opens with the shocking exposure of a member’s hypocrisy, insincerity, deception and hellish iniquity. Ananias’ hypocrisy consisted of imitating godly people, lying and deception to win the praise of men, having a form of godliness, appearing to be righteous while hiding a terrible sin in the heart. His sin of pretence was to present himself to men that he was righteous and gain position and recognition in the Church as a consecrated, devoted, spiritual and faithful disciple. While professing to give all to God, he secretly kept back a part of what he professed to have given. His heart was filled with Satan-inspired deception while his mouth proclaimed exceptional devotion to God. And his wife agreed with him to keep their sin against God and against the Church secret. They were in soul-damning covenant to hide Satan in their hearts and cover up sin in their home.

The secret was revealed to the Apostle Peter. The word of knowledge, the discerning of spirits, the word of wisdom, gifts of the Spirit were in operation. Sinners could not hide before Spirit-filled Apostles in the early Church. Where the Spirit of the Lord is present, prominent and preeminent, there will be revelation, inspiration and power. Swift judgment came on these unrepentant sinners who were determined to hinder and stop the soul-saving revival in the early Church. God quickly purged His Church to preserve her in purity and power. “And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness” (Malachi 3:3). -From this week's Bible Study outline

May God so refine and purify our minds, bodies, souls and spirits to live Christ-like lives in Jesus' name - Amen

God bless,


  1. AMEN! I pray he helps us remain clean. I actually re watched the teaching the morning on YOUTUBE. SO convicting. Great recap! I love your wording.


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