Bible Study: "Passion for Righteousness"


"Man was created in the image of God, with the nature of holiness and righteousness (Psalm 17:15). Any departure from the original creation will make him incomplete, unfulfilled and unhappy. It is like removing fish or other creatures from their natural habitat; they cannot survive there. Jesus knew that His audience was not happy because they had been removed from the original habitat of righteousness where they had been created. For you to be happy, you have to thirst and hunger after the righteousness of God and then the blessedness of being filled with God’s righteousness will be yours. 
This hunger and thirst in the soul after the image of God is the strongest of all spiritual appetites. It swallows up all the other desires in our lives. Such hunger and thirst become more craving, more importunate until they are satisfied and there cannot be any substitute that will satisfy the soul that truly seeks after righteousness. It will find no comfort or satisfaction in anything else, only in the righteousness that comes from the heart of God to the heart of man." -From outline

Wrong kind of righteousness:
1. Self righteousness - Isaiah 64:6
2. Sectarian  righteousness - Acts 5:17;15:5; Matthew 5:20
3. Superficial righteousness - Matthew 23:28
4. Supposed righteousness - Proverbs 30:12
5. Seasonal righteousness - Isaiah 1:21
6. Self-seeking righteousness - Luke 18:9; Isaiah 65:5
7. Sterile righteousness - Isaiah 58: 1,2  

Characteristics of an individual who embodies True righteousness:
1. Receives the gift of righteousness - Romans 5:17
2. Inherits true righteousness by Faith - Hebrews 11:7
3. Guides all affairs with discretion - Psalm 112:3
4. Hates sin and loves righteousness - Psalm 45:7
5. Turns others to righteousness - Daniel 12:3
6. Exceeds religious people in righteousness - Matthew 5:20; Romans 6:16
7. Understands the fear of God in righteousness - Proverbs 2:5
8. sows the seed of righteousness everywhere everyday - James 3:18;Psalm 37:30; Proverbs 11:30

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May the Word of God so transform us that we may desperately desire His righteousness and may His righteousness be made perfect in us in Jesus' name -Amen!

Be blessed as you listen.

