Bible Study: "Spectacular Growth despite Bitter Persecution"

"Both religious intolerance and political indignation came against the early Church. The plan of Satan, the Sadducees and Sanhedrin was to intimidate and silence the Apostles so as to weaken and eventually destroy the Church. These religious leaders who had crucified Jesus were angered by the preaching of His resurrection. Their doctrine, dogma, tradition, position and authority were being challenged and threatened by the Name of the risen, glorified Christ. The power and authority of ignorant and uneducated fishermen were gaining more public recognition than their dead orthodoxy. Their hypocrisy had suffered irrecoverable crash and they were not willing to repent. Since their religion did not have the weapon of prayer and appeal to God, they resorted to fighting with threats, force and intimidation. The Apostles stood on higher ground and overcame all opposition with prayer, power, preaching, perseverance, prevailing purpose, passion and purity of heart and life."

"Perseverance in persecution, steadfastness in suffering, courage in crisis, fearlessness before fierce, formidable foes, devotion and dedication in times of danger characterized the Apostles. Indeed, steadfast perseverance during severe persecution was the distinguishing mark of all true Christians.
Everything around them should have overwhelmed and crushed the spirit of these ministers of the gospel but they stood courageously before the intimidating council as unconquerable ambassadors from the courts of heaven."-from outline

Please be sure to listen to the Bible Study this week. May God bless you.

