Bible Study: "The Ministry of Sanctified, Salty Saints"

"Jesus mentions a symbolic salt in His teaching on the Mount: ye are the salt of the earth…   (Matthew 5:13). This salt refers to, represents, symbolises and it’s emblematic of the believer. As a believer, you are to salt, season, influence and penetrate the earth. From this emblem, you need to learn what you should look like and what your life’s purpose on earth should be. It is not enough to possess all the spiritual virtues Christ taught in the beatitudes. In fact, the reason He grants you those spiritual experiences is so you can be a great influence in the world in which you live.

The influence of salt lies in its difference, and we must be unspotted from the world. Salt preserves things from decaying. We are to preserve our world from moral decay and corruption. As salt penetrates, so are believers to penetrate their world and influence the world with new lives. As salt flavours whatever it comes in contact with, so the flavour of Christ in us should make others thirsty for God and godliness. As salt is irrepressible, so must we spread real salt everywhere and our ministry will become unstoppable.

The people who receive the grace of God and have the indwelling righteousness of God are the salt of the earth. “Ye are the salt of the earth…”, Christ taught His disciples and the people that came to listen to His message. The main thrust of salt is distinctiveness. Salt is distinctively different from the thing on which it has great influence. Similarly, as believers, we are the salt of the world; and there must be that distinctiveness between us and the world. This distinctive purpose or nature of salt is to influence or change the flavour of what salt comes in contact with. We, as believers also, by nature and purpose, must be different. We must maintain our ministry of penetrating, influencing and transforming others on the earth."-from Bible Study Outline

Are you a sanctified, salty, saint? In your school, neighborhood, place of work, can others testify that the qualities of salt are made manifest in you?

Please tune in to listen to the amazing Bible Study preached tonight! 

God bless you, 
Have a great night!

