Bible Study: "The Power of a Joyful Life"

"Many things we do not understand happen to us in life. Negative things that happen to us usually bring along with them sorrow, sadness, grief and loss of joy. Christ, in this message, teaches us not only how to approach life but also what we are to do when negative things happen to us. This is because He knows the constitution of man: that the manifestation of negative emotions – grief, sadness, sorrow, worry, anxiety, fear, anger, hatred, malice – will break down man’s system. But when positive emotions of joy, gladness and happiness are vent, they will build it up. 

There is power in joyfulness. It is a mental diet that helps our emotions and strengthens the mind. A negative, depressive attitude destroys while a joyful attitude renews life. Christ then prescribes that the right attitude during persecution is to “rejoice, and be exceeding glad ”  because the purpose of the enemy is to, with the persecution, make us sink low and be so unhappy, dejected, discouraged, depressed, and consequently be sick. But Jesus wants us to be joyful and healthy. We are neither to sit down in discouragement and mourn nor beat a retreat because we suffer persecution; we are to “rejoice …and leap for joy”. In anything that happens, there is always a positive side to it."-from outline

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Please listen/watch the Bible Study tonight and may the Joy of the Lord be your strength in Jesus' name - amen!

When the enemy comes around with his tricks of sadness and depression to pull you down, look to him straight in the eye and REJOICE in the unchanging, unconditional Love of God for you because that challenge too, shall pass in Jesus' name!

Have a blessed night!
