
"And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither:..."-Job 1:21

Everyone that is born of a woman came out of their mother's womb completely naked. Immediately after birth the child is then wrapped up in cloth so as to keep it from becoming cold, also protect it from acquiring an infection. But essentially the child's nakedness is being preserved; thereby scripture is obeyed. "...that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon." - Exodus 20:26 Yet as we grow we begin to introduce many "add-ons" to our physical bodies that we did come into the world with at the moment of birth. We forget that when we die just as uncle Job said in the above verse that we will go back just as we came in - Naked. It is needful also to consider that though we came in naked God requires that we practice hygienic behaviors that will keep us neat and clean at all times. God says "Let thy garments be always white, and let thy head lack no ointment." -Ecclesiastes 9:8 And so essential behaviors as having our shower, wearing deodorant and applying lotion to moisturize our skin are not the types of things I am speaking of. 

We came in with nothing and will go out with nothing. Therefore, we must strip ourselves of everything that did not come with us to earth. Our nakedness that was covered by the nurse after birth is the most important commandment that God demands us to adhere to, and the sole purpose for which clothing was made. Also, consider the baby at birth. The child is not halfway covered. The nurses make sure that they wrap the baby completely and thoroughly knowing the dangers and consequences of exposing a delicate newborn. It is the same with us. Our bodies are delicate and if left uncovered is capable of inflicting and causing plenty of harm. 

We didn't come into this world with pierced ears, or pierced lips, neither did we come in with artificial hair, nails, eyelashes and painted faces of various colors. We came in NAKED. God in His infinite mercy and wisdom had given us everything that we ever needed for our physical adornment. God gave us hair,  and nails to beautify us NATURALLY. It is Not His will for us to destroy it and take on artificial. He is a perfect God and certainly made each of us perfect. Let us stop adding and painting and appreciate the beautiful creation of God's hand - us!

Have a blessed Sunday.


  1. Very insightful, God bless you.

  2. Amen. Praise God! Glad you were blessed by this post :)



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