Modesty: Where Can I Buy Modest Apparel?


"Where do you shop?" That is the question I often receive in regards to clothing. To answer that, I shop anywhere and everywhere. But before I progress with this post I would like to stress on a certain point. Like anything in this world, shopping can become a serious idol in our lives. I've come across people who shop because they have the money to; others out of boredom, some out of loneliness and guilt. However, pondering on going shopping and shopping should have one main focus: buying the things that we need. When we have this focus in mind, we are able to resist the temptation to purchase items out of want. I touched briefly on this issue towards the end of this post. Prior to buying something first ask self: "do I want this," or "do I need this?" That is the method I use and by God's grace it's been working. Believe me I have been a victim of excessive buying. Later on the Lord revealed to me that there were many things in my wardrobe that I had worn once, or never worn since I bought it! 

Due to this, the Lord put me through a season of searching my closet and led me to get rid of many clothes that I had not worn in literally years! I was amazed at the amount of clothing and footwear that came out of my closet that I had not used and thus did not need. After this experience I realize that my identity and worth is not found in how many clothes and shoes I have but that it should be found in Jesus Christ whose word teaches to be content and satisfied and urges me to first seek His Kingdom and every other thing will be added unto me (Matthew 6:33). The Lord also taught me to adapt a simpler approach to life and it has been a blessing! I have learned to be content with whatever I have and that "godliness with contentment is great gain"(1 Timothy 6:6), Also "A little that a righteous man hath is better than the riches of many wicked."-Psalm 37:16. Finally as Paul states,"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content."-Philippians 4:11. May God guide us to find complete satisfaction in Him and give us the grace to not throng after worldly fashions and trends which leads us to spend money unnecessarily on pieces of clothing that we do not need .

Moving right along with the shopping question ;). Okay, so as I earlier said I shop anywhere and everywhere. I'll tell you why. For one, I keep this set of guidelines in mind. You've got to have a vision. Not just any vision but one that is in the perfect Will of God. "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."-Proverbs 29:18 Another point is to ask for wisdom and guidance from God. Our department stores are filled with all sorts of what the Bible call "strange apparel" (Zephaniah 1:8). Remember that clothes are supposed to cover our nakedness not cover to reveal our nakedness which is the design of many strange apparel these days. Sometimes I pick up a piece of clothing in a department store and I can't even figure out where the neck is and where I would put my arms if it has any sleeves; I often question the way one will put such clothing on their body. The devil is crafty in his wicked ways - leading many astray far from the marvelous light of Christ! Therefore we need wisdom. "Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom:.."-Proverbs 4:7. We may not always find perfectly tailored modest apparel so we need to be highly creative. In the sense that we may have to wear a jacket over a sleeveless dress or insert a tank top inside a low-cut top just to name a few. 

Thirdly, I love three-digit price tags and though it may be a bit tedious to search through clearance racks, they are indeed my favorite racks in any store! :) I've found great pieces on clearance racks. You need plenty of patience but believe me it pays off! I don't believe in expensive clothing; the Bible calls it "costly array" (1 Timothy 2:9) because it is expensive doesn't make it of greatest quality, nor the best in the store. I also don't care much for designer clothing. If the items suits my price range and if it is something that I need, I don't mind what the name brand is; I buy it because it's nice not because it is so and so brand. Many find their worth in name brands and will dare not wear anything otherwise. It's quite amazing. That ought not to be so for us Christians. I am not saying you should not wear designer clothing but don't make it the only thing you want to wear; it becomes an idol. Simplicity in all things is the key to a happy life! Remember Jesus? Our thinking, choices, and outward appearance must imitate that lowly persona and lifestyle of Christ. "Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God."-1 Corinthians 10:31 God doesn't like an extravagant lifestyle as we see it graciously communicated through the ministry of his dear Son.

Stores that I shop for clothing are:
Macy's- clearance racks are great!
Burlington Coat Factory - have decent, long skirts at reasonable prices
JcPenny- not my usual but have found nice clothing on their clearance racks
Kohl's- again, not my usual but have found nice clothing on their clearance racks
Small women stores: Danice & Rainbow: in the past, I've found great clothing (especially skirts and nice half sleeved tops) in these stores but lately their clothes appear quite strange. I walk in and walk right out. Perhaps it's the evil spirit of Summer. It's like the Holy Spirit just sends me packing before I generate any interest for any garment of clothing in there!
H&M-  I don't really shop for clothes here (occasionally, I have got a turtle neck for $5.00 a few winters ago, & recently bought a pair of flats for the same price!)
Thrift Stores: I have found great pieces at wonderful discounts in the past!

I also shop for footwear in the above stores. With the exception of Burlington. I mostly wear flat shoes. If I do wear shoes with heels, the heels must be 1-2 inches and lower. I was convicted to throw away any heels that didn't meet that standard. God has changed my mind to not see a necessity in high heels! I feel very comfortable in low heeled shoes and long skirts! :) 

I hope someone finds this helpful! Please let me know if you have questions.

Have a blessed day!
