Bible Study: "All-Out Commitment to New Testament Saturation Evangelism"


Acts 8:1-40

Verses four and five of Acts chapter eight set out for us the New Testament pattern and model for DAWN – Discipling A Whole Nation. The two-fold approach demands the combination of dispersed members and dedicated ministers being totally committed to the evangelization of all cities, towns and villages in the nation. “Therefore they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the word.” Every believer preached the Word and brought sinners to Christ. “Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them.If every church has a “Philip the evangelist” and all members are so full of Christ and His gospel that out of the abundance of their heart the mouth speaks, multitudes will be saved every day.

An atheist once challenged believers in his community. He said, “If I firmly believed, as millions say they do, that the knowledge and practice of religion in this life influences destiny in another, then religion would mean to me everything. I would cast away earthly enjoyments as dross, earthly cares as follies, and earthly thoughts and feelings as vanity. Religion would be my first waking thought and my last image before sleep sank me into unconsciousness. I should labour in its cause alone. I would take thought for the morrow of Eternity alone. I would esteem one soul gained for heaven worth a life of suffering.  Earthly consequences would never stay my hand, or seal my lips. Earth, its joys and its griefs, would occupy no moment of my thoughts. I would strive to look upon Eternity alone, and on the immortal souls around me, soon to be everlastingly happy or everlastingly miserable. I would go forth to the world and preach to it in season and out of season, and my text would be, WHAT SHALL IT PROFIT A MAN, IF HE SHALL GAIN THE WHOLE WORLD, AND LOSE HIS SOUL?” Let the fire and passion for souls that burned in the heart of every member in the early Church burn in your soul. Preach to save the lost.

Philip had preached the gospel in Samaria and many people had repented of their sins and believed on the Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Many were saved, healed and delivered from unclean spirits. “There was great joy in that city.Hearing of the great revival in Samaria, the Apostles sent Peter and John to confirm and affirm, support and strengthen, to pray for and perfect the brethren. The Apostles, Peter and John, had more to offer the new believers than what they had received through Philip, the evangelist. “They sent unto them Peter and John. Peter was bold, forceful, zealous and fervent; John was gentle, tender, meek and subdued and their gifts complemented each other so that one compensated for the defects of the other. “When they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost. The baptism in the Holy Ghost is a definite Christian experience, distinct from the experience of salvation. Saved, healed, delivered, joyful and happy, holy and sanctified, transformed and renewed, it was still necessary for these believers to be filled, immersed, endued, empowered, baptized in the Holy Spirit. The promised baptism in the Spirit is necessary and indispensable for every believer, today. “Simon offered them money, Saying, Give me this power, that on WHOMSOEVER I lay hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.” Before the apostles came, “Simon believed, was baptized and continued with Philip” but now his heart was “not right in the sight of God”, he was in “wickedness, in the gall of bitterness, and in the bond of iniquity”. There is no record that he repented after Peter’s rebuke. “Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall” (1 Corinthians 10:12).

Peter and John returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many villages of the Samaritans as they went. “And the angel of the Lord spake unto Philip, saying, Arise, and go toward... And he arose and went. Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot.” Philip’s prompt obedience is commendable and instructive. Our obedience to the heavenly vision, our commitment to the great commission, our consecration in seeking to save the lost should not be hindered or delayed by a successful pastoral ministry in the city. Philip was led and his obedience was prompt, unwavering, wholehearted, practical and productive. “Lead me to some soul today, O teach me, Lord, just what to say; Friends of mine are lost in sin, And cannot find their way. Few there are who seem to care, And few there are who pray; Melt my heart and fill my life, To win some soul today.” If we are sensitive to the voice of the Spirit He will lead; we must respond promptly.

This type of message comes as a stabbing and imminent challenge to all who profess to be Christians! It is A reminder that as Christians we need to rise up and bodily declare Jesus Christ the Lamb of God who was slain for the sins of all humanity!  Many are dying daily and a great percentage of those people are going straight to the fiery furnace that burns unquenchable! What are we Christians doing about that? We have the answer! Salvation is the key and God has given us the responsibility of letting people know about His FREE gift of Eternal life. Let us not selfishly hold on to it and watch the sinner face eternity surprised! The question then comes: as a Christian does Jesus mean anything to you, and if He does and you love Him so much are you obeying Him in telling people about him? This a great challenge for all of us!

How do you share your faith? Can people see Christ in you? Your conduct, speech, and your physical appearance do these physical traits testify of your renewed inner man (woman)? I pray God will give us a compassionate heart like Jesus that the beauty of Christ will be seen in and through us and that we will preach the word of God in season and out of season. May we become passionate, zealous, and fervent in rescuing the perishing by the word of God and the word of our testimony in Jesus' name! Do you let people know about Christ on a daily basis?

Prayer: Lord, please help me to be obedient to your command to go and preach your word to every creature. As well please give me a heart and passion to preach undiluted Christ crucified that  souls that are bound for hell will be rescued by your saving power in Jesus' name! Amen.

Please listen to this week's Bible study and be blessed! 

                                                    "Rescue The Perishing"
Have a blessed night
