
Matthew 5:22
But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause, shall be in danger of the  judgment.” Jesus being God as well as Man (John 1:1-3,14) was, with the Father, the original giver of the law. He had the revelation, the inspiration, the insight, the authority, the right to expound and explain the real meaning of the law in every detail. Hearing His declaration on anger, His hearers could say, Never man spake like this Man (John 7:46). Christ condemns anger, the evil, injurious, dangerous temper that precedes doing harm to others. Anger, the inward hot displeasure, the internal heat of wrath, indignation against our brother or neighbour was condemned by Christ, the final Judge of all flesh.

Neither the Jewish anger of the Israelites nor the jungle anger of the Gentiles is excusable or justifiable before God. But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment.By our  “brother” here, we are to understand every man or woman, a servant or superior. Anger, here, is an injurious, negative passion of the soul. Being angry without a cause anger without any provocation, anger for no cause, anger for no good cause, anger for a groundless, unnecessary thing is sinful. Anger without any good cause or purpose aimed at; anger, merely to gratify a brutish passion, to hurt or harm another person, is sinful. To be hardy and headstrong in anger, to be abusive and outrageous in anger as to use words like Raca”, or fool expressions of contempt will expose us to the danger of hell fire.” Do you find yourself flaring into a raging temper when a person has done something to you? Seek the face of God until you are free from such anger in order to be free from eternal judgment.

Be ye angry, and sin not.” Our anger must be against sin, only against sin; we must not be angry with the sinner. There should be no intention to injure, hurt, retaliate or revenge. We are angry at sin, evil, injustice and corruption but we are full of sorrow and prayerful mourning for the sinner. Ye that love the LORD, hate evil (Psalm 97:10). We hate evil, yet we do not desire the destruction of the evil-doer; we desire his repentance as well as the protection of God’s people from his corrupting influence. We should feel a sense of anger, a feeling of displeasure, as we view sin, unrighteousness and everything that is evil. God hates evil and so must we. God’s anger is displayed against sin in every form, so must we display anger against sin wherever it is found and in whosoever it is found. The holier we become, the more anger we shall feel against sin and the more eager we shall be to see sinners saved, cleansed, transformed and obedient to God’s Word!

Humbling message on anger! I pray that God will help me personally to be controlled by the holy spirit in situations that may stir up anger in me and soften me to be gentle and compassionate toward sinners! Amen. Please tune in to the bible study this week and be blessed! The message starts at 23:17. 

Lord, I need thee EVERY minute and hour of the day; daily remind me of the nearness of your presence and help me to possess the gentleness of JESUS in stressful situations! Amen.

"I need thee every hour" - Fernando Ortega

Have a great day!
