Inner Beauty: There is Beauty in Simplicity

"Lo, this only have I found, that God hath made man (woman) upright; but they have sought out many inventions."-Ecclesiastes 7:29

I come boldly in the name of Jesus Christ to proclaim that there is NO other beauty on this earth that can compete with a woman's Natural beauty. In fact, a woman possess and demonstrates supernatural strength when she is satisfied with her "bare" face void of any type of powder or jewelry no matter the occasion! Whether she is attending her graduation ceremony, or wedding she is faithful in her consistency of adopted simplicity as she chooses to be clothed with Jesus Christ who beautifies her from the inside out.

Today, my sincere prayer is that God will give my dear sisters in Christ a new vision of Jesus Christ so that they will gain the strength to abandon the "inventions" of Satan in the world termed "cosmetics" that some of us Christian women are sadly so fond of. It is possible to live a makeup-free, painting-free, and jewelry-free life as a female living in this corrupt world! By the grace of God, I can testify of that as the Lord has broken my interest for such things, and has given me confidence beyond measure for my naturalness!

Hence, I pray that the Lord will open the eyes of women professing godliness who are still bound by the fashions of the world, and break every chain of undue attachment to the world through the use of jewelry, hair extensions, artificial nails, perming and painting! Truth is that You are beautiful just the way that you are because you were created by a perfect God who makes no mistakes in His creation!

"The outward appearance of a Christian should reflect the simplicity, naturalness and consistency of Christ’s life. The highest ideal in Jesus’ picture of a lovely Christian is the beauty of simplicity. Being natural allow one to show joy and inner peace that bubble over. Being artificial covers up all that simple naturalness."

My dear sister, I await your testimony of how you overcame because with God, all things are possible!
Have a blessed week ahead.
