Young Soul: Delay is Dangerous

"As for God, his way is perfect"-2 samuel 22:31

The above verse of scripture is one of my personal favorites as I have had the experience of being led in God's perfect way in all areas of my life because I chose to trust in His word. I have also had, and continue to enjoy the JOY and PEACE that accompanies His perfect leading. Some people believe that the bible and all that it has to offer is a huge bondage to those who carry it, and put their trust in it. They think that those of us who have chosen THE WAY are such fools and have been caged in a 'prison' whereby we believe in an invincible God, and we don't have "fun."

Sadly, they are the ones chained by the power of sin and Satan! Everyday day that I step out of my residence, I am saddened by the "wisdom" of the ungodly. I am constantly reminded of the thick darkness and blindness that sinners have been entangled with. Satan has succeeded in utterly shutting the eyes of many from the truth which gives life! My heart bleeds for the young out there. They think that choosing to follow Jesus is too much work and is a barricade to their eventual downfall which they term "fun." Oh, that the Lord will remove the veil of darkness that the blind may see His piercing Marvelous light!

Satan has deceived them into believing that smoking, alcohol consumption, attending wild parties, having multiple sexual partners is the "game" of the young and if you don't play that game, you are an outcast. Little do these youngsters know that they have virtually allowed the Devil complete control over their lives to usher them into their destruction not only on earth, but in damnation in eternity!

You see, the childhood and teenage years is vital in the lives of every child that is born. If a person will become successful it will be solely determined on the foundation they attain earlier in their lives. This is the reason that the bible says "Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth..." This is because if a child is built on the sure foundation which is Jesus Christ at their tender years they will gain knowledge, understanding and wisdom in God's word accompanied with power to deny all the ungodliness that has saturated our world!

Since this is the case, Satan likes to creep into the equation quickly at those tender years in order to introduce his gimmicks to innocent children and youth. His purpose is to draw them away from God and His perfect plan for their lives, and turn them to himself that he might destroy their lives and divert them from the path of greatness that God has planned out for them! The bible says that the job of the Devil is to STEAL your attention, KILL your vision to see God's plan for your life, and to DESTROY you at last! But Jesus Christ the perfection of God's love proclaims "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly"-John 10:10. Jesus gives abundant life - a life of quality, distinction, significance and worth! Oh, that God will save the young from the grip of Satan!

As a young person you may have been deceived by Satan to believe that deciding for Jesus at your age may hinder you from the "wonderful" experiences of sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy out of wedlock, alcohol and drug abuse which usually results in changes in mentality and proper functioning, suicide, burglary and theft, etc. This day, I pray that God will give you a heart that will perceive of His perfect love for you, eyes that will be opened to behold the lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world, and ears that will hear his voice that gently leads to success on earth and rest in eternity.

Jesus Christ loves you with such a ferocious, unbelievable, uncommon and unconditional LOVE! He doesn't want you to defile yourself and end up destroyed by the Devil. Must you become pregnant without a husband, or so drugged out that you cannot think reasonably before you realize your mistakes? God wants you to have a beautiful life from your infancy to adulthood void of all defilements. Today, he is calling you to come to His side and receive food that will satisfy your soul and give you rest - His Word, the wonderful Bread of Life!

Come to Jesus and be led in the perfect way of life so that you can avoid sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy out of wedlock, alcohol and drug abuse, etc! I pray it will not be too late for you to receive Jesus Christ, the sweet lover of your soul! "Receiving Jesus late is permissible...but it may be...not WITHOUT WOUNDS."

                                                 "Careless soul, oh, heed the warning,
                                                     For your life will soon be gone;
                                                  Oh, how sad to face the judgment,
                                                      Unprepared to meet thy God."

Have a blessed day!


  1. Amen! The adversary wants to take us young. It's only the grace of God that can show us another alternative.


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