Daily Manna: "You Must Be Holy"


Key verse: “And ye shall be holy unto me: for I the LORD am holy, and have severed you from other people, that ye should be mine” (Leviticus 20:26). 

Jim Elliff said: “God decreed from eternity past that you would be like Christ (Romans 8:29-30); He put His Holy Spirit in you to make sure that it would happen (Philippians 2:12-13); Christ prayed for you to be sanctified, and His prayers are always answered (John 17:17); He even promises you that He will lovingly discipline you in order to return you to holiness whenever you stray (Hebrews 12:5-10). How could we ever doubt that God means what He says, “Without holiness no one will see the Lord” (Hebrews 12:14)?”

Holiness of life was what God demanded from the Israelites. He had planned to take the Israelites to Canaan. But since the people, who lived there were bad, God purposed to force them out of the land so that His people would occupy it. The Canaanites did not obey God’s laws and so, the land was like a sick person. God also commanded the Israelites to totally separate themselves unto Him -to be holy. God revealed that He is holy; and those who serve Him must be holy. 

The children of Israel were to be separated from all unclean persons and things, be devoted to God’s service and obey all His commands. That was the purpose why the Almighty God severed them from the people of the land.

For us today, we must guard our lives and avoid every appearance of evil. Anything that will tarnish or stain our testimony must be avoided. We represent the most High God. Therefore, we must be above reproach; we must be people of integrity. We must also live lives of purity. His plan for bringing us closer unto Himself is “that ye should be mine.” We were bought with a price and so, we are no longer our own. Now that you, in particular, have been redeemed and set apart for His exclusive use, do not wish to be anything different from His holy intention.

Thought for the day: He who will live a life of holiness must first receive the new life from God.
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Have a blessed day!
