Daily Manna: "Freedom That Endures"


TEXT: JOHN 8:30-36
Key verse "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed" (John 8:36). 

Freedom is a universal pursuit of people everywhere. It is the desire to be allowed to lead an unfettered life, to aspire to attain the highest goals possible without hindrance, to have the liberty to chart the course of your life. Many people indeed go to great length not just to obtain freedom for themselves, but to defend it. They amass great wealth in the quest for financial and economic freedom; they set limits beyond which they would not permit any infringement, in the search for political and social freedom. Yet, lasting freedom in this life comes from neither political nor socio-economic well being. 

It comes only from Jesus Christ. Jesus had been challenged by the Jewish religious leaders. As He spoke so eloquently and convincingly, many people believed that He was the Messiah from God. But He told them that it was not enough to believe; they should also continue to walk in the truth of His words, if they must be free. They responded that as Abraham's children, they were never in bondage to anyone, wondering why He said only the truth would make them free. Jesus was, of course, explaining matters of spiritual significance while the people were gripped by a patriotic zeal and belief that they were citizens of a free nation. He then told them that so long as they continued to commit sin, they were slaves to sinful habits and lifestyle. 

In that spiritual condition, they were already shut out of the kingdom of God. The only way they could be admitted into His Kingdom was through the Son of God, Himself, who alone has power to set them free from sin. Jesus Christ is the perfect gift of God to mankind. He alone can rescue you from the slavery of sin. As truth personified, Jesus presents to you, God's perfect standard of measurement for what is right. It is this that can free you from the domination, control and enslavement of sin. You will never be able to attain the purpose of God for you in life or fulfill Gods plan for creating you, until you allow Jesus Christ to break the power of sin in your life. Christ sets you free to lead a peaceful and happy life, and secures for you a place in His kingdom when life on earth comes to an end. 

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: True freedom is not the right to live as you please,but to love and please God at all times.

Have a blessed day!
