Daily Manna: "As the Years Takes a Bow"


Key Verse: “And they that use this world as not abusing it for the fashion of this world passeth away” (1 Corinthians 7:31).

From the beginning of the year to this time, “much water” as they say, “has passed under the bridge.” No doubt, at various times, we have traversed both the valley and the mountain top. There have been moments of joy and of sorrow. 

Our text today challenges us to always look ahead and not to dwell on our past achievements and failures. As we reflect on the activities of our lives this passing year, our dealings with our Maker, our interactions with our fellow humans, our moments of joy and sorrow, we cannot but give God all the glory .for sparing our lives through all the challenges of life. To those who may have grieved and sorrowed, the Bible says they should forge ahead and behave as if they had no such awful experiences. 

To those who have, so to speak, enjoyed their lives and had everything come easy, they should also forget the past achievements and look ahead for greater success. The most important lesson from our text today is that as this year ends in a matter of hours, our lives on earth will, someday, come to an end also. At that time what will matter is what we have been able to do for Christ and not the materials accumulated. A song writer scripted, “Only one life will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last; let’s labour faithfully while there is life.”

The pertinent question we must ask ourselves as the year drifts to a close is, what have we really done to please God? Those who revel in things that this world can afford without using their talents and endowments to honour God will discover to their shame that it is a fleeting life after all. 

It is possible that you may have been heart-broken in the course of the year; you may have had all your dreams shattered. Or, perhaps, you had all your expectations met. Whatever it is, don’t waste time and split hairs on issues that are bygone. Forget the past and forge ahead. Do not rest on your oars. There are still many more lands to posses for the Lord. As we wave this year bye, we must welcome the new year with every amount of energy, enthusiasm and absolute belief in God and resolve to be more useful to ourselves, to others and to the Almighty than we had been in this outgoing year. 

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY: Ebenezer: Hitherto hath the Lord helped us. (1 Sam 7:12)- See more here

Be blessed!
