Jesus Christ: The Embodiment of Love

Source; Jeremiah 31:3

All over the world, many have dedicated February 14 to celebrate love. Sadly, the majority of today's celebrants lack the true understanding and knowledge of the source and persona of love - Jesus Christ! Jesus is the epitome of sincere, selfless, and sacrificial Love. None could ever supersede Christ's love for you and I. Christ's love is tender - it is selfless, patient, gentle, encouraging, it does no evil to the loved, it is kind and peaceful.  It is the wonderful love of Christ Jesus!

Today, I want to remind you of how passionately and unconditionally Jesus Christ loves you. To some young ladies, I am aware that that statement may not seem very real to you. This is because you don't see Jesus physically so you may not feel that you can be loved by Him in the way that love would be exhibited to you by a 'natural' man. Generally speaking, females' notion and appreciation of love is through flowers, phone call, and text messages, and hugs and kisses from the guy of romantic interest especially on a day like this. The way that Jesus conveys His romantic love to us is by leading one of His earthly sons to us to be His hands and feet, to express to us the deeds of love, some of which earlier mentioned. God is the author of those desires in the heart of a female, and He knows how to beautifully and perfectly satisfy that need! Therefore, it is dangerous to accept flowers, hugs, and kisses from just any guy. There is an appointed time that such desires can be demonstrated to you, and only from a man led to you by God. These matters call for godly wisdom and intimate consultation with God.

There are many men out there who are serpentine in their approach to young women. They are willing and ready to tell us all the 'good' things we WANT to hear. They major in 'sweet talking' and beguiling women in an effort to satisfy their fleshly desires. They entice, lie, and lack the truth which is the Word of God. From such, flee! Because of the longings, you have for romance as a young lady, you must take heed lest you become a victim. As a child of God, eagerness for romance must be subdued and surrendered at the feet of Christ, and not be woken until Christ has adequately prepared you for the man He has for you (Songs of Solomon 8:4). By then, Jesus will lead that man to you, and you will be convinced in your soul that he is sent from your heavenly Father because you will see the work of the Father, and fruits of the Spirit of God in him. 

Until then, please don't engage in succumbing to the 'sweet' words of men that approach you. If they are serious about you, they ought to first approach Jesus about you. If this man is a child of God, he will understand and respect the spiritual 'head' and covering that is Christ, over you. He will submit to, and follow the 'rites of passage' before he can have the audacity to make any romantic gestures toward you. Ladies, Jesus Christ is our perfect standard for a man in any romantic relationship, let us not decrease our standard because of senseless sweet talks, and transient gifts of 'common' men. 

Men will always compliment and appreciate you as a beautiful handwork of God; BUT, if your foundation is not deeply rooted in Christ, and know what HE says about and to you, you will easily fall prey to the compliments and 'sweet talks' of men and will end you in relationships that God did not have in His timeline of your life - which could incur damnable earthly and eternal consequences. Lady of God: be vigilant, discerning, and prayerful. Stand firm in your walk with Jesus, and don't be easily moved by the compliments of men.

My question to you is, have you gone ahead of Christ in the selection of a future spouse? What kind of man have you entrusted your very delicate heart with, is it Christ (if single), a man sent by Christ (married, engaged, or in courtship), or a man who does not know Christ? 

With whom do you intend to celebrate today? Is it the man or woman sent from Jesus to whom you are legally and spiritually bond? Or one that 'picked' you up with a few 'lines' on the street or social media? On this day, many young ladies will be deceived by many young men. Many young people will be intoxicated with a strong drink for the first time, appear at a night club for the first time, carelessly expose the nakedness of their bodies and offer it for the pleasure of another without the authority and direction of Jesus, for the first time. What will you be doing for the first time today, and with whom? Will Jesus approve of it, or will you do it out of fear of man, and or hope of acceptance of men? Which category will you fall into today/tonight?

This day, my sincere prayer is that the message and endearing love of Christ will reach to you wherever you are. I pray that Christ will demonstrate His love to you in ways that you will identify, and will not be able to deny or resist it. I pray that the Lord will sever you from every deceptive and ungodly romantic relationship in Jesus name. I pray you will kiss the one and only Son of God (Psalm 2:12) - the One who is so deeply in love with you, to embrace Him and the cross, commit your entire life to Him, desire Him, and allow Him to be your very best friend! I pray that sadness will not fill your heart today because you don't have anyone to 'celebrate' with. I pray the Lord will cause you to feel His everlasting loving arms around you as you lament of 'loneliness'.

You are not lonely, Jesus is right there next to you if only you will call on Him, He will answer and come nearer to you. He will fill your heart with joy and gladness, hope and peace! Jesus loves you more than you will ever know! 

Will you commit your life to Jesus? 

May your day be filled with Christ's love today! 
