Her Modest Apparel: In His Presence

... I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness -Psalm 84:10

I love the above scripture. The author adores the presence of God so much that it doesn't even matter if he is the keeper of the door - mainly the the 'security guard' of the house of God. This is because the author has come to experience the joy, peace, and liberty that is in the house of God. There is no peace, joy, and liberty in the house and company of the wicked. With the wicked is trouble, pain, and hopelessness! Which will you choose, the house of God or the house of the wicked? The choice is yours! 

Tomorrow is a day of worship - of going into the house of the most high God. I cordially invite you to attend any Deeper Life Bible Church, or any bible believing church near your residence. You may also visit HERE to listen to heavenly-minded sermons at your convenience! May the entrance of the word of God bring peace, joy, and freedom to your heart, life and family in Jesus' name!

As we go to the house of God, let us be mindful of God's standard for appearing in His presence.:"...that thy nakedness be not discovered thereon"-Exodus 20:26. Let us obey God by covering parts of our body that needs covering as His spirit leads!

Outfit breakdown:
Blouse: Danice
Skirt: Burlington
Shoes: JCPenny
Bag and hat: Gifts :)

Have a beautiful Sunday, and precious new week ahead!


  1. Keep it up sister. May the Lord reward us all. Nice to visit your blog today. I'm also a blogger and happily a Deeper Lifer.


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