The Journey: "For Surely There is an End..."

The idea of pursing a career in the nursing field came from God through my parents. While in my final year of High school, I had yet to decide for a field of study to pursue; though entry into higher institution was imminently approaching. But, God through my parents introduced the idea of nursing. I wasn't too keen on the idea at first, because I had always been frightened by dead bodies, and as a nurse I knew that it was something I couldn't escape! Also, as my mom would recall I informed her that "nursing wasn't my passion." Nevertheless, one afternoon as a senior in High school, I decided to google "types of nurses." I was amazed to find out that there were a vast variety of specialties of the nursing profession. One of which caught my attention: Obstetric nursing. This is a field of nursing that caters to pregnancy and babies which I had a special interest for. After my little research, I had been convinced that nursing was the route, and obstetric nursing was the ultimate goal!

I officially commenced nursing school in January 2013, but the journey started much before then. Prior to attending the school I started in January 2013, I took required nursing prerequisite courses at two different colleges (though not simultaneously) before I could qualify to apply for each of the college's nursing program. A friend introduced me to another school, and as per people's advice in regards to the typical delay in entry into my current school's nursing program,  I immediately began the process of plunging myself into this third school in hopes of entry into their nursing program as it seemed promising. But the Lord stopped me. It was a tough time then, I was frustrated and didn't understand the 'standstill', but little did I know that it was because God had something wonderful just a few days away for me: I later received an acceptance letter into a the first nursing school I had ever applied. Truthfully, I wasn't looking or thinking in its direction! This school was ready to take me; I didn't need to have done any prerequisite courses as other schools required prior to entry because the prerequisite courses were part of their nursing curriculum. As well, the location of this school was more convenient than the previous schools I had attended and was planning to attend. It was surely a miracle, and so I started in January 2013. I can vividly remember the joy and gladness that filled my heart as I entered through the doors of the institution that would grant me the education I needed to become a professional nurse. I was overjoyed and in awe at what God had done. I was at peace, and the thought of being used in the hands of God as an instrument of healing for his creation was quite a privilege He only can grant.

As I became fully immersed into nursing school, I realized it wasn't going to be easy. I remember I had attended a nursing orientation at one of my first colleges. The facilitator of the orientation presented horror stories about nursing students and nursing as a field of study. The facilitator of the nursing orientation that day even said "nursing is very hard, are you sure you can do it?" - it was indeed frightening. I was told by different people that "nursing is so hard", 'many people fail out of nursing school,' or get kicked out for various reasons; thus, many nursing dreams become unfulfilled. I later learned that some voluntarily withdraw out of the program because of its intensity. What will be my lot? Can I do this? Is nursing really for me? Frightening at the time, but I soon learned the reality of those stories later in my own nursing school! As for the facilitator it was as if her goal was to scare us out of the idea of nursing that day! In fact, the stories and words of the facilitator scared me so much that day, I left the orientation and said to myself  "I don't think nursing is for me, I am not doing nursing anymore." I narrated the situation to my parents upon arrival home and their immediate support and encouragement placed me back on the route in pursuit of a career in nursing. I thank God my parents saw beyond what I could see and encouraged me on! I had every reason to not pursue nursing, but God who had originally programmed that I would attend nursing school connected me with the right people to encourage and support me on the journey.

As a nursing student I experienced God in a manner that I had never had before. For me nursing school was not just a place of obtaining nursing knowledge, it was a life changing experience. Surely, nursing school was not easy; it was difficult in a unique way. I had never cried and been so upset and disappointed because of an exam grade, but I did in nursing school! I had never prayed so much, trusted God so much, hoped so much, read scripture so much, sought out encouragement in the word of God so much, memorized scripture so much, preached so much, went to church so much, listened to sermons so much, I have never heard the Lord speak to me and reveal His word to me so clearly…I have never been so spiritually and wholesomely involved in anything in my life before - mind, body, spirit. It was something I had never done before. It pulled physical, mental, and spiritual muscles that I never thought or knew I had. It was time consuming and required patience and intense determination. Nursing school was so strenuous it affected me physically. A few months into school, I suddenly started reducing in weight and appeared ill! I noticed it, people at church, and at home noticed it as well. My parents thought I was coming down with something and demanded I see my physician! I did, and praise God, I was fine; nursing school was to blame. Nonetheless, nursing school was a season of refinement and pruning and a challenge to conform to the image of Christ. It has made me a better person and a stronger Christian.

Interestingly, as I was nearing the end of the journey of nursing school just a few months ago, I perceived I had added a few pounds and my face looked fresh :). My parents noticed too - I weighed myself and indeed, the observation was not only a possibility it had become a reality! :) Also, a sign that the long awaited journey had come to an end. I have literally become a transformed person as a result of the journey in the pursuit of becoming a professional nurse. I have learned to trust God even when the present situation does not warrant it. My faith in God has greatly increased. I have grown tremendously spiritually, mentally, intellectually, physically and socially. Oh, and the fear of corpses? By the grace of God through prayer, the Lord has granted me victory over that fear! 2 Timothy 1:7 has been a great support in that regard!

In nursing school, the Lord opened so many doors for me - His favors, and goodness over me during the last two years has truly been a supernatural occurrence! To think that nursing school is over is still a bit surreal to me. God is awesome, and I am so thankful to Him for the journey! I am overwhelmed by His love, miraculous provision, protection and numerous favors while in nursing school! This is one of many of God's favor I experienced in nursing school: please read more HEREI prayed more than ever before during this period of my life, and saw the physical manifestations of my prayers! It was an amazing thing to behold! The favors I received in the sight of faculty and students during the course of my nursing education could have only been orchestrated by God because of my relationship with Him! Lord Jesus, I have no-one else to thank more than You!! Your hand has written this story and it is indeed beautiful in my site! Be Thou exalted Oh God. I got through nursing school and really that entire phase of my life not by my strength, intellect or power, but by the grace of God. I literally could not have done it without the availability of the word of God, and my relationship with God through Jesus Christ (if you are curious and are interested to commence a relationship with God through Jesus Christ please visit HERE). There were days it seemed much easier to just forget about it and quit, but God would always give me a precious word that would keep me moving toward the goal once again. 

Then there was the Nursing Pinning and Candle Light Ceremony...this ceremony officially ushered us nursing graduates into "Nursing: A prestigious and noble profession." We received pins (as seen on the left of our uniforms below) and lit candles as a symbolic and solemn welcome into the profession. It was a beautiful evening of reflection, love, support, and gratitude. By the grace of God, I was among a selected few graduates who were recognized for special awards at the ceremony. I was privileged to receive an 'Outstanding Achievement in Adult Psychiatric Mental-Health Nursing Award.' It was quite a surprise, but also an answer to prayer! (I had prayed that God will grant me favor in the sight of my instructors that I may receive an award at the pinning ceremony)! As I reflected on the award, I realized how a memorable experience I encountered during that period when I was learning about this area of nursing. I had a special connection to my Psychiatric patients and realized while I appreciate the medical explanation of mental health, the issue is more spiritual than scientific. This can only be cured by nothing except a touch of Jesus Christ. So much so that during my Psychiatric nursing clinical rotations, I was moved to preach Christ to my patients and by the grace of God the spirit of God moved greatly.

Young people, please listen to your parents when they suggest a certain career for you even if it does not seem like you can see yourself doing that job. Do some research! It may be that God could be speaking to you through them! I have grown to love nursing, and could not see myself in any other profession. In fact, had I not gone to nursing school, I don't know what other field I would pursue as a career. I have never had any other career in mind even till this day apart from nursing! I am very appreciative to God for my parents and their continued support throughout this journey. They've truly been awesome. I as well extend a great 'thank you' to all of you through whom God has used to support and encourage me on this journey in one way or another. I am specially grateful to my instructors who have sharpen me with their nursing knowledge and expertise. Their commitment and passion to the nursing profession is quite admirable and worthy of emulation. Their goal to making sure that I am able to "think like a nurse" has been achieved, and I have gotten to where I am now by God's grace because of them. I am grateful for the 'cloud of witnesses' who have been cheering me on this journey. I couldn't have done it without your ceaseless prayers and instruments of encouragement. May the Lord bless you all. 

So friends, I write to let you know that it pays to serve Jesus. It pays to take the hands of Christ and allow Him walk you through the vicissitudes and wilderness of life. I tell you, my being able to graduate from nursing school is a great testimony - God seriously worked in miraculous ways! Prayer made this possible. We don't know what lies before us, but when we take God's hands as He offers it, we know that our future is certain because He knows the end from the beginning. Jesus is the Master of oceans. No matter how turbulent the challenges of life appear, He alone can give peace in the midst of the storm, and grant a complete silence of the storm. Though this is only the first step of my future, I know that as long as I stick with Jesus Christ, though the waves roar, the storms rage, yet will I stand by the Master of oceans and He will take me to places I had never dreamt of. 

When it became official that I would be counted among the nursing graduates, the song 'Overwhelmed' by Big Daddy Weave kept ringing in my mind. I had heard the song a few times, but had not mastered the lyrics. One morning I decided to search it on google because it was literally my awakening song for a few days - as I listened, my heart was filled with so much gladness, joy, and I was truly overwhelmed by the journey that had come to a successful end! I pray it blesses your heart as you listen.

The goal of nursing seemed impossible to accomplish, but with God on my side my expectation of completing my nursing education has successfully been achieved - praise the Lord! "For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off"-Proverbs 23:18. No matter how difficult the journey presented itself, I held on to the above scripture, and God has truly shown Himself mighty in my life and family!

I encourage you to "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths"-Proverbs 3:5,6

Though the completion of nursing school is the first step to becoming a professional nurse, I am convinced that my God who has started this work will accomplish the rest. He is the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. "The Lord will perfect that which concerneth me.."Psalm 138:8. I am "confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in me will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ- Philippians 1:6. My God does not work haphazardly, He begins, and brings to a peaceful and bountiful endI serve a faithful God.

CONGRATULATIONS to all of the graduates of the class of 2015!! I pray we will continue to walk with Jesus Christ, and those who have not known Him will come to the saving knowledge of Christ in this next chapter of our lives! May the Lord take us higher and higher. May His face shine upon us and grant us supernatural favors as we progress through life. May His spirit and light in us single us out in excellence, leadership, and greater success to His glory in Jesus' name. Amen. Those still on the journey, I pray God will bring you too, to a successful and glorious end in your academic journey in Jesus' mighty name. Amen.

I pray you are encouraged!


  1. Words on marble: "Nonetheless, nursing school was a season of refinement and pruning and a challenge to conform to the image of Christ. It has made me a better person and a stronger Christian.". May the grace of God continue to be abundant for you as you run the heavelny race and do the most bale of your responsibility - giving succour to sick. Congratulations!!!

  2. Congratulations....may God keep guiding you

  3. Once again, congratulations to my lovely sister from another mother! So so proud of you! May God use your hands phenomenally like He did Mary Slessor's. Congrats!


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