Bible Study: "Holiness and Purity in a Healthy Church"

Titus 2:1-6

Inspired and led by the Spirit, Paul, the apostle is intensely practical in all his epistles. Indeed, all inspired writers in the New Testament are consistently practical, establishing foundational doctrines in all the epistles and then making proper application to the lives of their hearers. That has been God’s purpose in revealing the truth to His people. God does not merely fill our minds and heads with the knowledge of divine truth, His desire is to make our hearts accept, love and obey His Word. From the time of the Old Testament, this has been His plan and purpose. He demanded obedience from all people to whom He had revealed Himself. Immediately after revealing His will, He demanded obedience. When He gave redeemed Israel His law – the divine rule of living – He immediately asked, not for the memorization of the Word but for commitment to obedience, faithfulness and loyalty. Whenever there was disobedience, the mere knowledge of His Word was not rewarded; rather, their disobedience was rebuked and punished.

God’s word has always been applied to all people – members and ministers, parents and children, husbands and wives, masters and servants, employees and employers, priests and princes, men and women, old and young. Christ, in His earthly ministry, as Saviour and Lord, as Shephered and Teacher, also re-established this pattern. He revealed divine truth and immediately challenged the people to obey, emphasizing the eternal consequence of disobedience. And He also applied the revealed truth to each and everyone.

Titus chapter two reminds Titus and all ministers that we are not mere teachers of religious knowledge, preparing our listeners for academic examination and certificate. We are preachers, prophets, teachers of divine truth, calling all our hearers to break away from sin, self and Satan, come to God through faith in Christ, and then live by the revealed truth, in readiness for eternal fellowship with God whose nature and habitation is holy.

Titus 2:1,2; 1 Timothy 4:6,15,16; Psalm 92:12-14; Hebrews 5:14; Romans 13:11-14; 1 Peter 4:7; 1 Timothy 3:8-11; 1 Corinthians 9:25-27; Romans 4:20,21; Colossians 3:12-14; 1 Corinthians 13:1-7; Luke 21:17-19.

The messages and teachings of Titus were to have practical application to “the aged men” (verse 2), “the aged women” (verse 3), “young women” (verse 4), “young men” (verse 6), “servants”, that is, employees (verse 9), “all men” and every “man” (verse 11 and 15). All who claim to be “ours”, who profess that “they have believed in God” (Titus 3:14,8), must be taught and systematically guided towards maturity. “Speak”, preach, teach and instruct “the aged men”. The aged are those who have advanced in age, who have experienced disappointment and disillusion in life and who find it difficult or hard to accept change. As a creature of habit, the older people grow, the more difficult it becomes to see anything in a new way, to desire richer experiences in Christ, to focus on new goals and purpose for living, to break from the past and reach forth for new challenges. The older believers are in Christ, the more they think that they have known all there is to know and have done everything that can be done in the best way possible. Tired and weary, most “aged men” desire to be free from new challenges.

A few aged men have young hearts and eagle’s strength. At the age of 83, after having travelled some 250,000 miles on horseback, preached more than 40,000 sermons and authored some 200 books and pamphlets, John Wesley was still reading, writing, preaching and working for more than 15 hours a day. After his 86th birthday, he was still able to preach twice a day. The older we grow, the nearer we get to the end of life, the closer we are to the brink of eternity, and the more receptive we should be to divine truth and revelation. The older we become, the more we should discard earthly knowledge and pursuit and give attention to spiritual knowledge to prepare us for our eternal home.

Speak sound doctrine that the aged men be sober” – sober-minded, balanced and temperate, not intoxicated with chemical substance or unrealistic ideas. The sober aged man is free from being intoxicated with pride or self-deception and he lives his life wisely, using his energy, resources and time carefully and selectively, knowing he does not have much time to waste. He keeps eternity in view and orders his priorities. He learns to be “grave” and weighty, not frivolous or careless. He keeps his “faith” sound, strong and steadfast, knowing that as his physical energy decreases, his faith will compensate for the lack. The older he gets, the more he realises that “charity” or love for others is what gives life value. He also needs to learn being “sound in patience” as things may not happen the way or the time he expects them to happen. Let the aged keep on listening, learning, loving, labouring, leading, longing and loosening; our redemption, our reward is nearer than when we first believed.

Titus 2:3-5; 1 Timothy 3:11; 2:9-15; 1 Peter 3:4-6; Luke 1:5,6,38-56; Proverbs 31:10-31; 1 Thessalonians 2:7-10; 1 Timothy 5:5,10; 2 Timothy 1:5; 1 Timothy 5:9-14; Ephesians 5:22-33; Proverbs 22:6.

The aged women” were to learn who they would be and what they should do. That church is really blessed that is adorned with the presence of spiritual older women in the Lord. The “behaviour” of the aged women is first addressed before their blessedness or teaching, influence and impact in the fellowship and family of God. In behaviour, they are to be holy – obeying the commandments of the Lord gracefully from the heart. The holiness will not be a virtue that is put on and put off like the dresses we wear but an outflow from Christ who is resident within the heart. They are “not false accusers” or slanderers; these are mothers who love all their children in the Lord, brothers and sisters in the church, they have no desire to hurt anyone with malicious gossip. They refuse to listen to, much less propagate hurting words about others. They love the young women and the young men as they love their real children and will protect them from any hurt or harm. In all ways and in all things, they are “teachers of good things.

These “aged women” are respectable, dignified Christian women who “teach the young women to be” (1) sober, living by the standard of God’s word; (2) to “love their children”, teaching and training them, giving time and attention to them; (3) “to be discreet”, applying godly discernment and wise judgment in all relationship with other men and even women; to be (4) “chaste”, pure, modest with all passions subdued and kept under control; (5) “keepers at home”, being a good homemaker; (6) “good”, having more than natural goodness, but the higher goodness which is a fruit of the Spirit abiding within her; (7) “obedient to their own husbands”, cultivation of the same mind with the husband so that obedience really becomes what she wants to do from the heart, causing her real joy and delight.

The aged women” are to “teach the young women” and influence them with (1) godly example, (2) guided exhortation, (3) gracious expression, (4) gradual exposure, (5) growing edification, (6) gospel experiences and (7) great encouragement.

Titus 2:6; Psalm 119:9-11; Proverbs 1:4,5; 1 John 2:13-17; Philippians 2:2-5; Colossians 1:28,29; Ephesians 4:11-16; 1 Thessalonians 5:6-24.

Titus was to exhort, urge, teach, challenge, charge the young men to be sober-minded. Paul referred to Timothy as a “youth” or “young man” and he exhorted him to maintain “a pure heart and a good conscience”, to “war a good warfare, holding the faith, and a good conscience”, to “behave” and act reverently “in the church of the living God”, to be “nourished up in the words of faith and of good doctrine”, to “take heed unto thyself, and unto the doctrine”, to “continue in them”, to “meditate upon these things”, to “give thyself wholly to them”, to “do nothing by partiality”, to “follow after righteousness”, to “hold fast that good thing which was committed unto” him. In the same way and after the same manner, Titus was to exhort the young men. And so are we to exhort young men in the church to be sober-minded, to live for God and not for self, putting their passions and desires under control, rendering sacrificial service to God, to Christ’s body and to humanity, God’s creation.

In the New Testament, the age of young men range between 15 and 60. This period is very important and would be very useful to God and humanity if the young men are well-guided. They are to be exhorted, entreated and encouraged to be prudent, discreet and serious in their passions, appetites and propensities. Everyone should be taught to live and act as if he were in the immediate presence of his Maker, King and Judge.- from bible study outline

Please listen to the bible study HERE

I pray you are greatly blessed!
