Curly Hair: An Instrument of Evangelism

The above picture is a hairstyle that I discovered during the Summer 2014: Two Jumbo two-strand flat twists. This hairstyle is not a 'routine' style for my hair. I simply parted the hair down the middle (I think with a comb or my fingers - can't recall) and two-strand flat twisted one side at a time. I then used a few bobby pins to secure the ends of the hair under the twists. I had decided to experiment with my hair a bit during the Summer of 2014 in hopes of discovering a new style. I wanted a style that would not rest on my neck and face due to the hot Summer heat, and was pleased with this style. I wore it out for a few days, tittle did I know that the Lord had a greater plan in store! 

Please, read on...

On one hot Summer day in 2014, I had happened to be on the public bus headed toward my home. I sat toward the back of the bus that day. While the bus was approaching my destination, the holy Spirit prompted me to share the gospel with the bus driver via a gospel tract I had in my handbag (I usually carry a few tracts in my bag as I go about my daily activities so as to share the Word when the opportunity arises). Since I sat at the back of the bus I figured the distance between the back where and I sat, and the front was too far so I took the easy way out - I pressed the bell indicating my desire to stop, and when the bus driver reached at my destination, I quickly walked out via the back door.

As I started walking away I felt a bit guilty for not giving the man the tract. Then, I heard a honk of the bus. I turned behind me to see where the noise was coming from; the bus driver screamed out of the bus "excuse me miss, is that all your hair? I love it when 'sisters' wear their hair natural." He continued to compliment the hair.  Seeing it as an opportunity to 'redeem' myself and completely surprised and humored at the transpiring event, I walked over to the bus, walked inside the bus, and began to talk to this stranger. At that moment, I reached inside my purse, pulled out the tract and handed it over to him. I began to minister to Him and invited him to my church. I told him to have a blessed day, and walked out of the bus. While walking home I thought about the event and thanked God for having given me a second chance!

This incident taught me the importance of obeying the voice of the Spirit of God and not grieving it (Ephesians 4:30). Secondly, the incident taught me that God is a God of mercy and of a second chance. Though I would have easily walked away and the driver could have also gone his separate way, the Lord chose to give me another chance to obey Him and to share His Word. I also learned that had I promptly obeyed the spirits leading initially, I would have been able to perhaps engage him in a deeper conversation about Christ before I reached my destination. All the same, I bless God for having given me the opportunity to sow a godly seed in the life of that man, I pray He will water it and let it bear fruit in Jesus' name.

This testimony and many similar encounters like this I have experienced, all serve as indication that the creation of God is beautiful. Many females try so hard through various ways to 'change' their hair texture and color because they simply don't like it, or it doesn't fit into the standard of the present fashion world. But I assure you that, our natural beauty void of the make-uping, attaching and painting is very attractive; in fact, the most beautiful! I didn't see the above style as attractive as the bus driver saw it, but because God is the perfect creator of the hair, He shown His glory on that very simple and experimental hairstyle and it pleased the eyes of someone and served as an 'open-door' into the knowledge of the Son of God. The secret of true physical beauty is in simplicity and naturalness. Ladies, your tireless efforts in beautifying yourself with the worldly gadgets of beauty is all in vain; embrace God's natural beauty freely given to you, because with it is potential to reach a lost world for Christ!

Ladies, embrace your naturally curly hair. When someone compliments and begins to ask us questions about our hair (because they will) I pray we will see it as an opportunity to not just share our hair care routine, products etc; but Christ, who is the author and Creator of the hair and the one who has given us the confidence to wear the hair He has given us in its unaltered form!

Have you had any encounters like this one? We'd love for you to share below!

Be blessed!
With love,


  1. :-D wooow to the bus driver, stopping the bus again to complement you. That's so wonderful and what a testimony!!

    I have had these encounters as well; in school, work, and during republican events. I say yes I am natural. I don't say yes it's God's grace and conviction all the time, but when I get the chance I do say God convicted me to wear my hair like this because he made me this way.

    1. Janet,

      That's great. I pray the Lord will help us to continue to be external examples of women professing godliness.



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