Inner Beauty: Are You a True Lady?


"...I shall be a lady forever"- Isaiah 47:7 defines "lady" as a woman who is refined, polite and well-spoken. I love this definition because those characteristics are the result of what Jesus Christ is capable of doing in an ordinary woman's life. Jesus Christ refines the woman by removing impurities of sin. He changes her character to be more others' centered than self-centered, and makes her polite in her interactions with others. This refinement also includes her speech - he removes the vulgar, profane language of the ordinary woman and puts in her mouth gracious, wise and powerful words; thus she is well spoken! A lady indeed!

The above are mainly the internal aspects of a true lady. The physical characteristics of an ordinary woman are that she is fresh, young, and well-formed. A woman will make a great mistake if she invests her time and money on just the physical components of womanhood. Unfortunately many are already on that path! Plenty of women are fond of spending thousands of money in an effort primarily to keep their external beauty intact while their internal is rotten! Internally these women are filled with anger, bitterness, malice, pride, gossip, and hatred; yet they desire to make their physical bodies 'ageless' instead of investing on how to beauty the internal! 

They abhor wrinkles in their skin. They will do whatever it takes to get a hold of the recent 'anti-ageless' cream. But, little do these women know that there are times and seasons for all things. There is a season to be young, fresh and well-formed, and then there is a season set by God to gracefully age, and have wrinkles. Being a lady forever is to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior and allow Him to refine you from the inside out so that the character of a true lady will be revealed in you and remain intact and ageless on earth and spring into a blissful eternity beyond. 

Our bodies will eventually age whether we like it or not - it is a fact ordained by God. Nothing we do in our human power will ever reverse that. However, there is one thing that is ageless and that is the soul of a woman. Until that soul connects with its Savior Jesus Christ who will keep it alive, the relentless efforts of external beauty - the makeups, relaxers, jewelries, tattoos, and painting remains eternally unprofitable.

Which will you choose external womanhood, or internal ladyhood. My choice is the latter as I desire to be a lady forever. What about you?

I hope you are inspired unto godly ladyhood.
