Movie Review: "War Room"

Some months back I happened to be in front of a television set. I suddenly saw a woman on her knees praying. The prayers then echoed in the background of images that collaborated to portray to the viewer a trailer of a certain film. Few minutes after, the words "War Room" captured the screen and informed viewers of the date this film would air in cinemas across the nation. I said to myself "wow, that seems like a powerful movie and one about prayer which seems very interesting. I would like to see it." 

A few weeks after that, I was out with a few friends who expressed to go and see a particular movie in the cinema. I was then reminded of this movie trailer that I had seen on the television sometime ago. I tried to recollect my memory as to the title of the film, but I couldn't. I however informed them that I knew the movie was about prayer as that was the impression I received via the advertisement. It pricked the interest of the people I was with and soon after we were making plans to see this film. I had not always been a 'cinema goer' but I wanted to see this particular movie and what it was truly about because it had left such a lasting impression on me through its brief trailer.

I am glad I went to see "War Room." It exceeded my expectations of my prior experience with Western Christian films which I'd perceived to be shallow and superficial. I had not been too impressed by previous Western Christian films and thus I had not had high hopes for "War Room" though I had hoped it would be different. So I prayed before hand that the Lord will use it to minister to me in a way that He only will have it. To say the least, I was pleasantly surprised! "War Room" was a great movie. The message of Christ and the cross came across in such a striking, powerful, crisp, and concise manner. I repeatedly got goosebumps throughout the film! Ultimately, prayer was the centrality of the film. The film revealed that through prayer the stubbornness of situations can be melted into utter obedience unto Christ. Thus, I was encouraged to pray more!

I learned many lessons from "War Room" some of which are:
1. Marriage is a spiritual war fare: "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places"-Ephesians 6:12 If we want good and godly marriages, we must begin to seek for it on our knees! If we want to win the battle of marriage we must fight on our knees! Prayer should be the first layer upon the foundation, which is Christ in marriages. If we want our spouses' character, views points and behaviors to change, we must seek the author of the institution of marriage, which is God. When 'storms' arise in marriages, the only solution is to take it to the Lord in prayers! Godly submission in marriage is a strong weapon, ("for the weapon of our warfare are not carnal..."-2 Cor 10:4) a strength and not weakness that will steer marriages in the right direction. Therefore, submission is spiritual and godly. Fighting and fussing with spouses will only deaden the marriage the more. We must learn to loose to God (surrender all to Him, stop fighting with God who is on your side!) so that He can win our battles for us. It was so beautiful to see a marriage that was deteriorating come so alive after the wife sought after God, and began to pray for the restoration and renewal of her decaying marriage.

2. Importance of sowing a seed of godliness in others' lives: it is essential for Christians to not bottle the knowledge and wisdom that we have through the word of God. We ought to share our experiences, challenges, and victories with others so that they too will know that there is hope in Christ Jesus to turn every situation around for the better!

3. The need for parents to spend quality time with their children and be genuinely interested in their lives: it is good to supply clothing and shelter for their children. But another greater and important component of child rearing is to bond emotionally with their children. Parents must desire to spend time with their children in getting to know who they are outside of the home, their activities in school, the sports they are involved in, the friends they have, their feeling and thoughts and their perception to situations, people, and the world. Thus parents will encourage intimate friendships with their children which creates a secure and confident child/ren. 

4. Inevitability of restitution after genuine salvation: "restitution is the act of making amends for wrongs done against our fellow men: restoring stolen or misappropriated things, properties or persons to their rightful owners, paying back just debts; giving back where one has defrauded, uncovering crimes committed and confessing lies told, making confessions to the offended and apologizing to those slandered." -from Deeper life bible church Search the Scriptures. "War Room" did a great job communicating the act of restitution to the viewers. It also demonstrated the difficulty of restitution, and the foreseeable consequences thereby; but if one's sins have been confessed and forgiven then God has the power of pardoning the offender before the offended in a way that truly confirms forgiveness of sins by God. This aspect of the movie challenged me to leave the future in the hands of God, do His will as He leads, and trust that no matter the circumstance as long as my account with him has been cleared through my acceptance of Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, His favor will prevail! 

5. Specificity, seclusion and importunity in prayer: I was inspired by "War Room" to be specific and not broad when praying. Also, to have a place and time dedicated to communing with God void of all distraction and interruptions. Jesus our perfect example showed us just how to do that in Mark 1:35 as he "...departed into a solitary place, and there prayed." I had somewhat been doing this, but I was encouraged the more to write down specific things that I desire for God to do for me, my family, church and beyond. Lastly, to never stop or give up in prayer just because I don't see immediate results. God will answer eventually as a I patiently wait for His perfect timing.

6. The danger of being a lukewarm Christian: "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."-Rev 3:16 This message though was exhibited in a comical manner, still, drove the viewer's mind to the seriousness of the matter. As christians we ought to be hot, on fire for the Lord, or cold nonchalant about the things of God. There is no "in between." The choice is ours!

7. Naturally curly hair is beautiful!: I enjoyed seeing Mrs. Priscilla Shirer's naturally gorgeous hair throughout the film. I pray more ladies will be inspired to choose the 'curly way' after seeing her hair in the film. The curly way is God's way! ;)

I pray this review is helpful to someone who is on the verge of going to see "War Room." To those who haven't heard of the movie, I pray this review will encourage you to check out a Christian movie, and I pray it's a great blessing to you.

Have a blessed day!
