As the Year Closes, a New Year is Dawning...


In a few hours, the chapter of the year 2015 in the world's history will close - forever. A lot has happened in this year around the globe - both good and bad. As much as we would like to hold on tightly to the good things and moments that came our way this year and say goodbye to the bad, the reality is that this chapter of the world must close indisputably. But the encouraging thing about the year ending is that it is not an end in itself, but a new beginning with which we can aspire for great and mightier happenings for our lives, families, and world at large.

As I personally reflect on the year 2015, I can clearly spot the hands of God in every stage of my life this year. It has been a wonderful year for me. Spiritually I have blossomed by the grace of God. My knowledge of God, and faith in Him has so much strengthened in the year 2015. One of the major highlights of this year for me has been successfully graduating from nursing school, AND excelling on my NCLEX examination which officially crowned me as a licensed professional registered nurse. It was all by the grace of God. I couldn't have done it without Him, and all of the resources and people he placed in my life to get me to His ordained position in life for me. I came across many hurdles and challenges along the path of life through 2015, but those hurdles were God's way of refining and reshaping me into a faithful, spiritually and strongly built young woman.

We don't know what the year 2016 will offer us. But one thing is for sure, if we have Jesus reigning in our lives, we automatically have hope that no matter what will come our way in the new year, we will be kept under the shadow and hid with Christ in the everlasting arms of God. Perhaps you are afraid of the upcoming year. You don't know what to expect especially as we reflect on some of the sorrowful and saddening occurrences of this past year. My encouragement to you is to get to know the Prince of Peace, the mighty God, the Beginning and the End. Jesus is the answer to all of the problems in your life. You cannot do life outside of Christ. You may have been prospering, but any success outside of Christ is not good success. It may flourish here on earth, but in eternity it will not defend you before the great judge. Anything that we do in Christ by way of accepting Him into our lives, and for his name's sake while on earth springs into eternity, and grants us crowns from our King. 

You see, the world will rage storms; but the good news is that no matter how boisterous the storms may rage if you have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, God has you in His thoughts. You are precious to Him. He has wonderful plans and promises for you, and great prospects to achieve for and through you in the new year. Have you given your life to Christ? It is not too late. Why don't you consider it for the new year? Start the new year afresh with Christ because with Him new beginnings are guaranteed. No matter the terrible things you have done in the past year, Jesus will give you a new life if only you will give Him the chance to cleanse your past with His blood. 

Aren't you tired of always doing the wrong thing? Feeling guilty after visiting those pornographic websites, and masturbating? Aren't you tired of never feeling at peace? Nothing seems to be going right with you. Your health and financial state is in shambles, and you're not sure you will even make it to the end of the year. I have one sentence for you: come to Jesus. He is your refuge and peace. Don't reject Him any longer. He is the One you need! His arms are open wide, waiting to embrace you - so COME! Begin the new year with Jesus, and He will gladly and graciously lead you to a glorious destiny.

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest"-Matthew 11:28



  1. Thank you so much for the spiritual challenges i have received from you last year. God bless you real good. Keep the banner of Christ flying high

  2. Praise God, sis Ruth! It warms my hearts to know that. May 2016 be a year of increased spiritual challenges from the Lord through this medium in Jesus' name.

    Happy new year!


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