DLBC: December Retreat 2015

Very soon many will be sending and receiving messages of "Merry Christmas." Universally, this is a season that is recognized as the period within which Jesus Christ the Savior of the world was born. As a Christian though I am not very fixated on December 25 as Jesus' birthday, I do recognize that this is a time of great opportunity for spreading the message and purpose of Jesus' birth to the world. Jesus came into this world for a purpose and he was focused on fulfilling that purpose and He did. Do you know why you were born and what God wants you to do on earth before you depart? Your purpose becomes clearer when you surrender your life to Jesus Christ the One who knows the end of your life from the beginning even before and at conception. Have you given your life to Jesus? The door of salvation is still opened - get saved today HERE

Beyond the birth of Jesus Christ is the next most important event concerning Jesus that is His second coming. At His first coming, He came as a baby and born in a manger. He came to model a life that is pleasing to God, died and resurrected and through his death and resurrection we are forgiven of our sins when we confess them to God. But at Jesus' second coming, He will come back to the earth with all power and great glory (Luke 21:27). This time He will come as a King, Ruler, Bridegroom and Judge. He is coming for his bride (the church of God). He is coming for a saved, sanctified and holy people. This time He is coming to find out which of His disciples past and present, were able to diligently take heed to his teachings and followed his perfect pattern of a godly life that is acceptable before God. 

No one knows when Jesus will come again (Mark 13:32), but as we witness scary scenes and unprecedented events of sadness and sorrow which Jesus actually predicted will precede His return (Luke 21; Matthew 24), the Christian should be alert that Jesus is coming soon and very soon! Therefore the wise thing for us to do is to be prepared for the King of kings! We will soon leave this world of sorrow! But are we ready? Will Jesus find you saintly waiting for him? How are you living your life? Should death take you, or Jesus comes today, where will you spend eternity, hell or heaven? The choice is yours!
The Deeper Life Bible Church retreat will hold at different Deeper life Bible church districts all around the world. I am extending an invitation to you to come and join us at the Deeper Life Bible church Staten Island NY on December 25-27, 2015. If you cannot come in person, you may tune in online HERE when the retreat begins.

Address: 144-146 Morningstar Road SI NY 10303
This is a place where Jesus Christ the bright and MorningStar is highly lifted up!
Worship with us every Sunday 9am, Tuesday 7pm and Friday 7pm.

Jesus is coming for a people that are holy and pure. Are you one of them? Come and be appropriately prepared for Jesus' return!
"These are the days of great trials
Of famine and darkness and sword
Still we are the voice in the desert crying
Prepare ye the way of the Lord!"
"Behold He comes, riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun, at the trumpet's call
Lift your voice, (it's) the year of Jubilee
Out of Zion's hill, salvation comes"
Join us and Be blessed!
