Modesty: Oh Lord, Clothe Me!

"...God made coats of skins, and clothed them"-Genesis 3:21

The verse above is the genesis of modesty. We see here that God is the originator of modesty. We also see that He is a perfect designer of attire. Also that He knows how to clothe us in a way that we are not exposed. Oh how we ought to allow God to design and clothe us as His children! God made "coats of skins" (Gen 3:21) for Adam and his wife as opposed to the "fig leaves" (Gen 3:7) that they made for themselves. We learn that Adam and Eve had the willingness to allow God to clothe them. They didn't refuse the coverings of God, in fact it was much, much better than theirs! This reveals that any piece of clothing that is designed or chosen outside of God's instruction is not appropriate attire to put on. Like Adam and Eve, are we also willing and desirous that God clothe us with the best of well covered and beautifully adorned garments? 

What kind of garments do you put on? Is it garments that are approved by God that cover you in all the right places, or the skimpy, tight and exposing ones that you hand picked at the department store by the desires of your flesh and according to your own intellect and human understanding? Who or what influences the clothes that you put on? Is it God's purity and holiness or is it the latest fashion and celebrity wears? The bible is clear that "the fashion of this world passeth away" (1 Corinthian 7:31) this then means that it is unwise for you and I to pattern our dress after the designs of a world that is fleeting away into nothingness! 

The people of the world love attention. They love to expose their midriffs, backs, breasts, accentuate their hips, and wear the miniest of skirts and dresses! Those parts of our bodies are what constitute nakedness and they ought to be covered! Jesus says we are "not of the world" (John 17:16) though we live in it. We then that are called out of the world and unto holiness must pattern our attire after God's eternal and unchanging principles and standard. The world's fashion changes every single day. But God's fashion is ageless, unchanging and perfect. Would you rather follow something that is predictable, constant and true, or something that is unpredictable and ever changing and confusing? Does your attire make people to treat you with respect even before you utter any words of affiliation with Christ? 

Does your clothes exude purity - not intending to cause others to lust and be envious? Has anyone ever commented that you look like a Christian by your attire?  Once again, God is the perfect designer, I urge you to permit Him to lead you in your dress designs and choices so that you are well clothed from the inside out, and for all occasions.

Outfit breakdown:
Hat: gift
Red blazer: Macy's (online)
Black and white dress: Telco (small clothing store in my area)
Black tank top - (dress neckline was too low so I inserted this black tank): Macy's
Shoes -2inch bow tie pumps: Amazon (online)
Bag: Groupon (online)

Please don't forget to connect with us this weekend at our December Retreat!

Be inspired!
