"The Beginning of Beginnings..."

This week, specifically on Decemeber 1, 2015, the Lord added another year unto my life! "I will remember the works of the Lord: surely I will remember thy wonders of old"-Psalm 77:11. As I reflect back on my life, I am in absolute awe of the graciousness of God upon me. I was so undeserving of all the good things He has given me, but His blood has made me worthy to receive of His good pleasures! God has been too awesome to me. Over the years, He has been my best friend, confidant, father, help, strength, comforter, provider, husband and His beauty has adorned my life.

My day started off by accompanying my dear friend Janet to the airport to pick up her soon-to-be husband. My friend's beloved had travelled a long distance to come to be formally introduced to her family toward their intending marriage. From the airport we went to a restaurant to have lunch. It was a nice, cozy, warm environment and our waiter was so nice and patient with us! As we chatted up, I suddenly saw the waiter coming toward me with a white plate and on it was an elegantly decorated slice of chocolate cake with a lit candle and singing "Happy birthday to you..." What?! How did this happen? Who planned this? It was such a sweet and pleasant surprise. I am not sure when the reservation was made, but I am grateful to Janet for the thoughtful and kind gesture! Bro David if you were part of the surprise, I thank you as well!

The day was surely a beginning of beginnings. It is the first time my friend's beloved is visiting the USA, as well as my first time of meeting him in person which was a pleasure! It is also an official and new beginning of joyful events that will join Janet and bro David's life together. Lastly, the first day of a new year, month, and day for me, and for all of us. It was undisputedly a day of new beginnings - a unique and an unforgettable birthday. Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. Behold I will do a new thing..."-Isaiah 43:18, 19. God is certainly the author and source of new beginnings.

My deepest prayer is that the Lord will divinely and appropriately perfect the new beginnings He has begun in our lives that it may yield fruits of godliness springing forth into eternity in Jesus' name! Amen.

Be blessed!


  1. Happy Belated Charity!!

    1. Thanks Jummy! Happy belated to you as well - never got around to wish you! Hope all is well with you.


  2. Serious TEARS!!!!!! LOOOL this is so sweettttt.
    *insert 1000 crying tears of happiness emojis* ) lool

    Love you! And amen to new beginnings!!!
    God always orders the steps of his righteous!!!!

    1. Lol Janet. Glad to have spent the afternoon with you two!


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