Faith Lessons: When God Turned my Forgetfulness to a Lesson of Faith

Before I was offered a position as a registered nurse, I worked as a nursing assistant. One of my roles then was to accompany patients to various medical appointments outside of the facility that I worked. On a particular day, I set out of my home for work. As I was preparing, I remembered I needed to take a bottle of water with me as I usually do. I also planned to stop by at the staff lounge at my job to pick up lunch for the trip I will be going on with my patient. My patient had a doctor's appointment and I was to accompany her for her visit. When I walked outside to set out on my journey, I immediately remembered that I had forgotten to take my water bottle! I had recently misplaced my house keys so I walked back to my front door and knocked a few times, but no one in my household heard it to open the door. So I left! 

When I got to work I went to the patient's unit to pick her up. I totally forgot to go to the staff lounge as intended to pick up some lunch before heading to the patient's unit! Upon arriving on the unit, the patient informed me that her appointment is in a different county all together which is far and I thought "oh my goodness, I have no water and lunch what am I going to do?!" However, the spirit of God kept telling me to trust Him so I silently decided to trust God to favor me.

While on our way, the patient informed me (without me asking her or telling her about my current predicament) that there are a few eateries at the appointment site where I can get food and I thought, praise God the Lord is already at work! When we got to the doctor's office, I immediately noticed that there was a water dispenser in the office and I said "thank you Lord!" After my patient's check up, her friend took us to a restaurant where we ordered some food. To my utter surprise, the friend of the patient paid for my meal and drink! I didn't pay a dime! I was overwhelmed. I just kept thanking God for his divine provision, and special favor! The Lord really took care of me that day as He says He will in His word "Therefore I say unto you; Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or drink..."-Matthew 6:25 - wow, thank you Jesus! 

He used my forgetfulness as an opportunity for me to trust Him to provide for me and He did. I felt so loved by God. God can be trusted, and with him there is no need to have fear of the future. All I need is to trust Him and allow him to do what he does best - working all things together in my favor and for my ultimate good.

Considering what the Lord had done, I couldn't resist sharing His precious word with the lady who paid for my lunch as well as with the patient via a gospel tract. I prayed the word of God would come alive to them via that pamphlet! 

Have you ever had a similar encounter? Have you ever been challenged to trust God in situations that are fearful and worrisome? Are you worried about what you will eat, drink, where you will stay, who will hire you for a job? Who you will get married to? God knows your needs, you place your trust and faith in His hands and as He surprised me with divine favor according to His word, He will do the same and beyond for you as well!

Don't have a relationship with God yet? You can start HERE!

I pray you are ignited unto a greater level of faith in God via trust.

