Your body: A Temple or an Idol?

"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?"-1 Corinthians 6:19

"I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service"-Romans 12:1

In the world we live, there are many women whose bodies have become perpetual idols. Their bodies are an unrealistic standard for young girls to aspire to, and for men to salivate over, additionally creating in men a false image of what type of body to desire in a wife. All women do not have the flat belly and curvaceous hips, but that doesn't mean that they are any less of women. Our value and beauty as women does not end in our physical structure. But then we must understand that the revealing of our naked bodies overshadow our spiritual, educational, and psychological intelligence.
Many of us have found our identities and pride in the shape of our bodies. Many women are famous for their bodies. They are not known for intelligence, wisdom and being involved in something worthwhile. They are simply famous for their bodies! However, true godly beauty and intelligence is not merely superficial. Our beauty and intelligence should be deeply seated. It grows more radiantly day by day as we submit our hearts at the feet of Christ Jesus!
As a young lady, the way you portray yourself to the world is a great determinant of how the world perceives you. If all you showcase on social media outlets as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are your breasts and hips, and other parts of your body, the world will see you as just that - the frame of your body. The knowledge of men and the world of you does not go deeper than the contours of your frame. Is this really what you want to be known as? You may be popular in society for a particularly 'good' cause, but that influence become elevated when you honor God in your attire and dress modestly as His word teaches. This is because through modest dress you show the world that you are not just your body. You are more than just your body young lady. Refuse to be labeled as a body part. Don't allow the show of your naked body to mask your abilities and capabilities. You have the power to change the source of your identity and the world's perception of you and that through what you put on! Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? It is only through Him that this 'power' can be fully activated and be put in effect.
I don't know about you, but I am much more than my body. My identity is not found in my body frame - my identity is in Christ Jesus. I am a daughter of God, infused with grace and wisdom to live the heavenly life. Thus, I have made a decision that my body is firstly God's temple - I am God's dwelling place. I will dress this temple to conceal its delicate parts with the knowledge that it is sacred. Our bodies as women should not be objects of lust, but a revelation of God's purity, modesty, cleanliness, and beauty. This then implies that what we put on our body must conform to the characteristics of the God that lives within. My clothes must be a representation and symbol of purity - so that when men cast their eyes on me my attire should not cause their minds to wallow in sexual images and desires. Men should look at me and be encouraged unto purity and holiness.
We should as women lift up a standard! It is about time we come out of the the mentality of showcasing our "goods" to the world. A wise woman covers that which is precious. Our bodies are precious and should be encased to reveal its worth. That which you deem worthy and valuable is well preserved and not freely given away to just anyone. Modesty is an absolute surrender of one's body to God; with the understanding that crucifixion with Christ implies that we no longer live for our flesh, but that Christ lives within to be revealed daily through our dress. Christ must freely have His way in and through us. Modesty is wisdom to serve the One who has given everything to save your soul. What can you not give up for such incomparable and eternal sacrifice?
A temple is a place of peace. A place of spiritual renewal and inspiration. Ultimately, a place where people's mind's are directed to God. An idol is a person or thing that is placed on a pedestal for admiration. It often replaces or competes with God in our lives. It as well contradicts the principles and nature of God. An idol addresses the flesh. Whereas a temple addresses the spirit man. Which category do you fall? As a young lady what you put on reveals who you are. Do you dress to make your body an idol, causing people to have fleshly desires, or a temple directing people's minds to Christ? Which do you prefer?
I pray you are Challenge unto Christly Modesty!
