Her Modest Apparel: The Blessedness of Color

In the world, different colors have different meaning. The color an individual chooses to wear says a lot about their current mood. Dark colors like black, often denotes a disposition of gloominess and sadness; whereas colors as pink, yellow, orange communicates joy, happiness, and gladness. Today, my question to you is which color represents your present situation? Has the toils of life caused you to fall into the pool of gloomy colors? Are you glowing with bright colors, or gloomy with dark hues?

As I think about unavoidable challenges in life, I am reminded of a man called Job in the bible. Job was a wealthy man; at a point in Job's life he lost all his possessions including his children - all gone! Surely, it was an unexpected occurrence. What does one do when they loose virtually everything they've known and called theirs? The awesome aspect of Job's predicament was that though his situation brought a cloud of gloom into his life, He never lost connection to the Light of the world - God Himself. Job was confident that his case was only temporary and that one day the Light of His Redeemer would shine so brightly upon his trials that darkness and gloominess will not recognize him any longer! Did it happen? Oh yes! He testified "...sorrow is turned into joy..."-Job 41:22.

No matter the challenges you are facing, let me remind you that in twenty-four hours there is night and there is day. Let me also remind you that night and day are not equal in duration. Sometimes the night may seem so long, but no matter how long it takes, the sun must arise and day must arrive. The night is only but a few hours. Your problems may appear to be taking so long to be solved, but be encouraged that as you connect to God as Job was, the Son of righteousness will arise on your troubles and you shall rejoice and give glory to God in Jesus' name! Your sun is a few dawns away. In the mean time, begin to pray and worship God to the breaking of day! 

"And at midnight Paul and Silas prayed, and sang praises unto God..."-Acts 16:25. Don't be idle in the midnight. Worship God for the burst of colors He is about to release in your life. With God on your side there is always hope. The different shades of bright and beautiful colors seen in nature's flowers is our symbol of hope and encouragement of a brighter tomorrow. Your end will be greater than your beginning - hold on firmly to Christ Jesus and He will not fail you. 

"...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning" -Psalm 30:5

#PreachingtoSelf #ThankyouJesusforNewBeginnings #Hewilldoanewthing #EncouragementfromtheWord #HoldontoChrist #IChooseGlowoverGloom#MyLifewillSoonbefilledwithBrightColors

Be encouraged!


  1. Sister Charity shalom!
    i see thelast entry on your blog was last year2017. Have you stopped blogging?


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