The Spirit of Man

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The other day, I began to think about the spirit of mankind. The spirit of mankind is their presence, character, and personality. The verse of scripture that reads "...where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty"- 2 Corinthians 3:17 became quite revelatory to me in that moment. I began to ponder on it. The fact is that the Spirit of God sets free - it breaks bands and releases us into eternal freedom. I then thought about how our spirits as humans impact and influences others. 

There are people whose spirits irritate others - others simply cannot 'stand' their presence. As born-again Christians, we have the privileged of having the very spirit of God live inside of us.  The Spirit of God is one of truth, freedom, power, peace, and love. So then the question becomes, if I am a truly born-again individual, is my life emanating the characteristics of the Spirit of God? Am I truthful in my words and deeds? Am I truly free from sin and are able to lead others to the Savior who sets free? Do I have power over principalities and workers of darkness, or am I bound by Satan and his cohorts? 

Do I have the peace of God and am I also following peace with all men? Do I love others as Christ loves me and am I sharing the love of Christ with others? "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."-2 Timothy 1:7. What does your spirit reveal? What are the characteristics your presence brings forth? Are you an instrument of confusion, chaos, fear, pain, hatred? That can change at the Cross of Jesus! There is room at the cross for you. Call to Jesus and He will turn your life around for the better.

#DesiringTheSpiritofGodinMan #SpiritFilledWomen #OhToBeLikeTheeBlessedRedeemer #YouTurnToJesusToday

Be enriched by biblical truth!
