Covering: The Principle for Biblical Dressing

In our modern society, when the topic of modesty is raised, it elicits all sorts of emotions and ideologies. In addition, there are many different 'looks' of modesty in the world based on tradition and or modern fashion. Some people are strongly opposed to the biblical principle of modesty, while others believe that the choice of clothing for a believer is not relevant as long as their heart is right with God. Ultimately, the principle that God has outlined in His word to serve as a foundation for the purpose of clothing is to cover our nakedness.

There are many passages in the bible that communicates this fact. In Genesis 9, the Bible records an incidence of Noah and his sons. At some point, Noah became drunken with wine and laid naked and exposed. His son Canaan saw his father's nakedness and simply told his other siblings. His two Siblings Japheth and Shem "took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father, and their faces were backward, and they saw not their father's nakedness" Genesis 9:23. Their noble action, granted them blessings from their father while curses were pronounced on Canaan for his negligence to uphold the dignity of his father in his most vulnerable state. God frowns upon the deliberate exposure of our naked bodies. Our nakedness makes us vulnerable and may lead to sexual sin.

God's commandment for covering our nakedness is for three reasons (Exodus 28:42,43; Exodus 20:26; Genesis 3:7,21)
Protection: weather that is too hot or too cold may be harmful to the exposed body, which can as well affect the internal organs. Covering the body with appropriate clothing in such situations serves as a protective barrier. In addition, certain environmental hazards may pose harmful to the exposed body.

Purity: The exposed naked body arouses sexual desires, thoughts, and acts of sex outside of marriage which is against God's purpose and plan for our sexuality. For this purpose, it is important that the naked body is well covered so as to encourage, elevate and maintain the sanctity of sexual purity in society by God's people.

Peculiarity: in the world, it is very easy to identify certain groups of people just because of their attire namely nurses, police officers, firefighters etc. As children of God, it is essential that our outward appearance reflects who we represent - God and his purpose for clothing. If the world is promoting nakedness by what they wear, believers must promote godliness and purity by what we wear. We must be covered!

My question to you is, why do YOU wear clothes?

By God's grace, this series will continue. Please look forward to subsequent posts.

Thank you for reading! I pray you are blessed.
Upholding God's standard of dressing
