Unveiling the Veil: Your Hair and Your Faith

As a born-again Christian, my relationship with God through Christ plays a pivotal role in my life and inspires everything that I do. When it comes to my hair, I recognize God as the Manufacturer. Like any gadget purchased, failure to follow the manufacturer’s manual may lead to frustration and a lack of proper direction. God is the Creator of our hair.

Our naturally curly hair is a very good Creation of God (Genesis 1:31). As we partner with Him, He will guide us in the right direction by His Spirit to care for our hair so that it flourishes to His glory!  I remember the season when I was led to pray about my hair. I thought it was rather interesting.

Prior to then, I had never thought about praying about my hair. I mean we often pray about the ‘bigger’ things in life like where to go to school, live, work, whom to marry, etc, but praying about my hair? Praying about my hair seemed so silly! But I soon realized that my hair was important enough for the Manufacturer to create it.  When I actually prayed about my hair, I received direction for how often to wash it and my hair began to flourish! In fact, the Bible says that all the hair on our head are numbered [Luke 12:7].

God truly cares about our hair care because He is a detailed Creator. He cares about every aspect of our being. Above and beyond human knowledge He has the ultimate manual that is the key for attaining flourishing natural hair. But, we must come into partnership with Him.

Where are you in your relationship with God? Are you connected to the Manufacturer of your hair? Share with us below! Comment with - ‘I have an active relationship with God,’ I need help in my relationship with God’ or ‘I don’t have a relationship with God.’

Have you joined the UNVEILING THE VEIL: Natural Hair Care Forum yet? UNVEILING THE VEIL: Natural Hair Care Forum is where we learn and discuss natural hair care and solutions. Join in on the conversation! If interested, join the group HERE.


 Never forget that your hair is unique, well-thought-out and designed and beautifully created for you by God.  Your natural hair is beautiful. Your hair is God’s design - embrace it, and take care of it, it is yours!

🌷May you have a flourishing day, ladies!🌷

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  1. I have actually been inspired by your you tube videos to start taking care of my damaged natural hair which i hated! I am now learning to fall in love with it and embrace caring for it.


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