VIRTUOUS YOUNG BRIDES: The Rules that Govern Our Fellowship

 Rules for the VYB community:

  1. Always keep to the purpose of the group, don’t share irrelevant messages about other topics.
  2. Please avoid sharing memes, adverts or deals 
  3. At any point, if you want to leave the group, kindly notify admin (Charity) via a private message
  4. Please refrain from using vulgar and offensive language in this platform 
  5. Feel free to send the admin (Charity) a private message with any concerns 
  6. Let’s be respectful, loving and considerate of one another
  7. PLEASE NOTE: before posting any content (as in videos, voice messages or any other publications that are NOT YOUR OWN) please send me a private message with the intended content for approval.* 
  8. Remember that Christ is the center of this community and so all things revolves around Him

Thank you for keeping and abiding by these rules.

With love, 

Mrs. Charity Umar 💕


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