VIRTUOUS YOUNG BRIDES: Weekly Discussion Summary

This week, our discussion was surrounded around this video. The Discussion question was:


 📌Thank you ladies for opening up and sharing your experiences and encouragement with us this week. Here are some points to reflect on as per our discussion this week: 

➡️As a born again Christian lady, remember that you are not your past. By your confession, the blood of Jesus has cleansed you thoroughly. You are the bride of Christ! Let NOT the past mistakes control and dictate your present. When the Enemy strikes with flashbacks of your past, remember, memorize and CONFESS Romans 8:1 📌”There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” Romans 8:1

➡️There is healing in Christ. If you are regretful and hurting from the mistakes of your past, remember to present those mistakes unto Jesus. Ask for healing and He will grant your heart’s desire. 
📌“He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3

➡️Make a commitment to sexual purity and be FIRM about resisting when the temptation/opportunity arises to sin. Make the word of God and prayer your foundation because it is the Only sure foundation! Refrain from sexting with young men, sending nude pictures of yourself to men, staying up late to talk to that guy, refrain from intimate friendships with the opposite gender, define your relationships with young men ie: classmates, brothers in Christ, coworkers etc. Avoid being in a secluded place with men. Avoid reading romance novels and watching movies with sexual content. All of these awakens sexual desires prematurely and can become an opportunity for the Devil to capitalize on and cause you to fall flat on your face!
📌”Run away from sexual immorality [in any form, whether thought or behavior, whether visual or written]...”-1 Corinthians 6:18 AMP

➡️Remember that you are married to Jesus as a single Christian lady. If you engage in any other romantic relationship without His consent or approval you are in essence cheating on Him - your fidelity with Him has then been broken. Remain connected and abiding in Him by talking with him daily through prayer and during your day-to-day activities. Involve Him in your decision making, seek His advice because He is ever ready to guide you in the right direction. 

Jealously guard your relationship with Jesus. It is the most important relationship you can ever have. His goal is to make you beautiful within and without as His bride, so allow Him. Don’t be too quick to engage in a romantic relationship with an earthly man. Find your satisfaction in Jesus and trust His perfect timing to settle you in a godly marital relationship! 
📌”For your husband is your Maker,
The Lord of hosts is His name;
And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel,
Who is called the God of the whole earth.” Isaiah 54:5 AMP

If interested and want to be a part of our community, you are welcomed to join our private WhatsApp group. Send me an email at to gain access to the WhatsApp group or send me a DM on any of my social media platforms @mrs_charity_umar on instagram and Charity Umar on Facebook. See you in the WhatsApp group!
 This is a female-only group!

I’m praying for you all
Have a restful weekend! 

With love, 
- Mrs. Charity Umar 💕


  1. Great content ��amazing key points. So grateful ��to know more about a relationship with God before anyone �� I pray it reaches as many youths. Where I come from, this wasn't taught..all I knew about getting into a relationship was a guy stops you in the street you like him he likes you and that could be your journey to marriage starting ��or your journey to total distraction and sin. So am pleased such content like this is being taught to young women.

  2. Thank you for summarising it so well. Such great points to reflect on


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