Happy weekend VYB! 

Our Bible Study on Phebe this week has been an interesting one. One aspect of Phebe’s life and ministry that resonated with us was her hospitality. Hospitality is our willingness to serve and offer our resources to meet the needs of others. In the Bible, examples of hospitality abound from Abraham and Sarah (Genesis 18) to the Shunammite woman (2 Kings 4:8), to the New Testament from Paul to the Romans (Romans 12:13), and Peter to believers (1 Peter 4:9) and beyond. Hospitality is a biblical virtue and when effectively applied, can serve as a great entry point into the kingdom of God for many. 

The goal of hospitality especially as believers is to be willing to be the hands πŸ™Œ and feet πŸ‘£ of Christ and serve our community and world πŸŒŽ with acts of kindness. Such was the case in the life of Christ on earth - He went about doing good and many souls were won into the Kingdom via the goodness of Christ. How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.” Acts 10:38

This week we saw that hospitality can be achieved in different ways such as offering a smile, or food, and even opening up our homes for the oppressed, weary and afflicted. Boundaries was mentioned as a way of interacting with family members who may take advantage of our hospitality resulting in hospitality fatigue. In such cases, wisdom remains the principle thing (Proverbs 4:7). I pray we will be filled with the wisdom of God to manage all situations in all seasons in Jesus’ name. 

Some points to take away: 

  • Single ladies can practice hospitality by being available to serve in the church and community. Offering one’s time in the service towards others can be a mighty blessing to themselves and to the people they serve. Service is a great preparation towards success of your future home. 
  • Single ladies may have open discussions with their future spouse about hospitality especially when hosting family members in their matrimonial home - discuss expectations, length of stay etc
  • Single ladies may begin to learn about finances - how to spend wisely, save, invest and give. Effective hospitality will require the ability to manage the financial resources of your home as a married woman 
  • Our creativity matters and can be maximized and utilized to the glory of God through the ministry of hospitality. Each of us has the ability to be creative. All it takes is to ask our Creator to help us to look within ourselves to discover the things that make us unique and stir up those gifts into reality. Ie: sewing, painting, cooking, cleaning, arts and crafts, interior design, graphic design etc

When we have to host people in our homes impromptu here are some tips: 

Prepare ahead: 

  • If you have an extra room in your home, keep it clean and smelling fresh, be sure to wipe down the dresser, headboard and mirrors. Have generous bedding for guests and for the right season ie: winter, and summer bedding. You don’t want to give your guest heavy comforters in a 100 degree weather.
  • Have extra toiletries such as bathroom tissue, soaps, toothbrush and toothpaste, towel, deodorant, mouthwash (small individual use), washcloths, lotion or cream - you may also have some sanitary pads for ladies if your guest should have their menses while visiting you; also shaving stick for men. Be sure to have hand sanitizer and tissues on hand. Always have fresh toiletries, avoid reusing toiletries except for things that are washable like towels and washcloths or if anything is unopened. Make toiletries accessible in an open place either in the bathroom or guest room. Present it attractively
  • Depending on the guest length of stay, plan for breakfast, lunch and dinner and make the necessary grocery purchases. Be sure to inform your husband and plan along with him. Also write down or type up menu options to help you to know what to cook or prepare during the days of the guests’ visit. As much as possible, make healthy food choices, purchase some fresh veggies and fruits. Have extra food. Upon arrival you may ask your guests if they have food aversions or allergies and make any adjustments. 
  • SMILE not just physically but internally. Ask the Lord to make the visit a blessing and to guide you to meet the needs of your guests. Pray that your home will be a haven of peace and that your guests will see Christ in your home and service. Ask your guest often if they need anything. Be available, approachable and friendly but avoid hovering over your guests. Give them their space :). 

Let’s remember that hospitality is a ministry within the ministry of Christ that each of us can partake in by utilizing our gifts, talents and time. Let's engage in the ministry of hospitality whether single or married and allow the Lord to make us a blessing to our generation. 

“Do not neglect to extend hospitality to strangers [especially among the family of believers—being friendly, cordial, and gracious, sharing the comforts of your home and doing your part generously], for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it.”- Hebrews 13:2 AMP

With love, 

  • Mrs. Charity Umar
