I am happy to announce that this week, we will commence a three
week Bible Study series of three women in the Bible: Deborah, Phebe and Chloe. These women leaders made unique marks in their generation and we can certainly glean lessons from their womanhood, leadership and ministry. 

🌟The first woman for consideration is Deborah.
In Judges 4:4, the bible describes Deborah as “...a prophetess,” which means that she had a relationship with God. A prophet is an individual whom God has chosen to bring His word to humanity. To be a prophet is to be in right standing with God. Deborah was in right standing with God. The Bible further describes Deborah as “...the wife of Lapidoth,” she was a faithful wife to one man. She wasn’t a promiscuous woman in her community. She understood the covenant of marriage and lived according to God’s precepts of marriage: one man, one wife among others.

Lastly, the scriptures further report that “...she judged Israel at that time.” Deborah was a mighty leader. She was a professional woman. She had responsibilities at home as a wife and in her community as a professional. She was a balanced woman - with wisdom she balanced her relationship with God, her husband and her civil responsibility to serve her community as a judge. In order to be an effective judge, Deborah needed to have the knowledge of and abide by some ethical standards. Her relationship with God provided the guidance and principles to judge Israel judiciously and in a way that pleased God. 

In conclusion, according to the life of Deborah, a fruitful and effective christian woman has a relationship with God, is faithful to God and to her husband, and she is a wise and balanced woman. No one aspect of her life supersedes or clashes with the other. She is a woman who wore many hats but performed each function of her life gracefully. 

➡️REFLECTION: Our effectiveness in our family and society has a lot to do with our relationship with God. 
📌How is your current relationship with God, Beloved? Are you able to hear when God speaks?
📌Which characteristics of Deborah stands out to you? Which do you need to work on as a modern-day Christian woman? 
📌As a married woman, what are some tips that you can share with us that helps you manage your life and responsibilities? 
📌As a single lady, how do you manage your time and responsibilities? In what ways do you need to improve?

➡️Let’s have a discussion!

➡️(You may type up your response or send an audio message). Please share your experiences to encourage a sister!

I look forward to reading/listening to your responses. 

With love,
-Mrs. Charity Umar💕
