My Weekly Inspirations - 6

“Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God.” Hebrews‬ ‭3‬:‭12‬ ‭KJV‬‬
From this verse I learned that departure from the living God begins with unbelief. The author addresses "brethren" who are followers of Christ which means that it is indeed possible for brethren to depart from the living God. This is actually scary. I pray that the Lord will purge my heart of every unbelief. Help me and my household to believe in Him and cleave to Him. I pray that He will keep us abiding in Him daily all the days of our lives.

Modesty is all about identity! In our world different professions require different codes of dress. Your identity in Christ should influence your attire. Modesty is the dress code of the person whose identity stems from Christ. Before stepping out ask yourself, does my attire reflect and promote the purity of Christ both inwardly and outwardly? Does my attire promote godliness - draws people's mind to God? Is my attire beautiful? Yes, beauty is God's nature. "O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness..." Psalm 96:9. Be set apart through your dress. You were divinely designed to stand out! My skirt

marriage is a mirror! Through marriage you will know your spouse more intimately - emotionally, spiritually, physically and you will know your own self better. Through marriage your selfishness, fears, insecurities etc will be revealed and heightened through life's circumstances.

Personally I have learned a lot about myself through marriage. For example I have learned that I had certain expectations that I never even realized or vocalized pre marriage until something happened in my marriage. I thank God for His Word because it is a greater mirror that helps me to see my shortcomings and inadequacies. Through His Word I have been refined. I continue to present myself in His divine workshop for pruning until I am made perfect by His grace.

one very treasured advice that I received after I had my daughter was "don't let the gift take away the giver." My mom gave me this advice. As I reflect on her life over the years, she truly exemplifies grace which actually happens to be her middle name. With five (5) children, a career woman, a pastor's wife and women leader she did well to manage her home alongside serving the church of God.

In this season of motherhood, I have moments of overwhelm. Children are a blessing and a huge responsibility. As a mom I am constantly giving - bathing, changing diapers, feeding, lifting, nursing, comforting, cooking, cleaning, teaching, disciplining etc the list goes on. I have many excuses to neglect my devotional life and church but I realize that the Giver of all that I have now must be my priority. He is the most important part of my life - He is my life. Indeed, I must never allow the gifts to take away the Giver so Lord help me.

I hope that you're inspired by the 4 M's this week! 


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Facebook: @Charity Boadi (Mrs Charity Umar)


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With love, 

Mrs. Charity Umar ❤️


  1. When I saw the bible verse, what got my eyes was "beauty of holiness" Holiness is beautiful. God is Holy. I pray for strength in my weaknesses. Thank you for this inspiration.

  2. Thank you my sister for your encouraging words. You are truly correct we must never allow anything to take precedents over our relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ and our Father God. God bless you and your husband and your beautiful babies and he continue to give you wisdom and protection and many blessings. You have a beautiful heart continue to share


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