My Weekly Inspirations - 7

“But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” Hebrews‬ ‭5‬:‭14‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The process of a baby's growth and development has many stages. At first the baby is sustained by milk. Then he or she will be introduced to solid foods then by the time we know it they're eating a full course meal. All of this is occurs as a result of growth, intentional catering to that yields growth of the baby.

In our walk with God, growth is also necessary. At the time we give our lives to Christ, we are also like a baby - the Word of God is the milk that will sustain our soul. As we grow in our knowledge of the Word by our own deliberate and commitment to reading, studying and meditating, our capacity grows and we become acquainted with the 'meat' of the Word - the deeper truths and mysteries of the Kingdom of God.

As stated in the scripture above those that are committed to taking in the strong meat of the Word are able to have a sharpened discernment. They become more intimate with the Spirit of God who is our teacher. The Spirit of God then is able to lead the individual aright especially in situations that are not so black and white in scripture. In addition we grow deeper in spiritual experiences such as sanctification and Holy Ghost baptism etc. Our walk with God becomes more enriching and enjoyable.

I pray for the grace to grow more and more in my relationship with the Lord so as to be able to discern God's will in all things.

one verse of scripture that inspires me to continue on my modesty journey is "For I am the Lord, I change not..." Malachi 3:6. God is the unchangeable changer. He changes circumstances for good - yet His nature never changes. 

If in fact I am a follower of Christ; essentially a child of God, then the principles that govern my life, namely modesty in dress that stems from scripture should remain the same no matter how old I get, the season of life that I am in or the place/s I find myself. 

I pray for God's grace to help me to continue and not give up or give in to the societal standards of dress. As a child of God, I must stand out in the crowd for the glory of God.

I am learning that every season of marriage is accompanied by an opportunity to learn more about your spouse! As parents of two kiddos there are things that I am learning about my husband and myself now that I didn't know before. 

Parenting adds another interesting element to the marriage. This level of knowledge through lived experiences may come as a surprise, good or may even be unpleasant. I am learning to embrace the good, understand the surprises and extend grace and learn from the unpleasant experiences as the Lord helps me!

I love breastfeeding my babies! I breastfed my daughter for over a year and now have been nursing my son for the past 3 months. While I am aware that breastfeeding is extremely beneficial for babies I had to remind myself recently of those benefits.
Breastfeeding helps babies to build a strong immune system; thereby reducing their risk for diseases such as type 2 diabetes, asthma etc. "Breast milk contains everything your baby needs to grow and develop. It provides a unique and specific formula of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants" (Cleveland Clinic, 2023). Below are a few things I love about breastfeeding.
  • Special bond with baby: personally I love knowing that my body feeds my baby! God is amazing in the way that He has designed a woman's body to give and sustain life! It's a beautiful thing to see how my children are growing right before my eyes! They begin to add weight and become so healthy looking and I know that they are also healthy within! Nursing time is an opportunity to pray for my babies and prophesy over them, hold and comfort them and examine their bodies for any issues - hair, skin, etc, it's a good time to clip sharp fingernails, and clean the baby's ears
  • FREE and available: I love breastfeeding also because it is FREE of charge! I don't have to buy it - as long as I eat and keep myself hydrated with water, my body will naturally produce this precious liquid! It is always the right temperature for the baby no need to heat it up unless of course it had been refrigerated. 
I say all that to also add that breastfeeding is not easy! It requires commitment and dedication to continue. Usually people say that when you're pregnant you eat for 2 but actually in my season of breastfeeding is when I actually eat for two in quantity with moderation and in mindset with intentionality and selectivity with what I eat. As a nursing mama I have to be more intentional about what I am also intaking as my baby is eating in liquid form what I am consuming. I ensure that I am eating well - greens, protein, fruits and lots of water!

I hope that you're inspired by the 4 M's this week! 


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Facebook: @Charity Boadi (Mrs Charity Umar)


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With love, 

Mrs. Charity Umar ❤️


  1. A very good inspiration. Help me Holyspirit to listen to your leading. Thanks for the tips, I'll definitely utilize breastfeeding time effectively. I pray for patience and humility in my marriage in Jesus name.

  2. Beautiful! Keep growing in God! We are called to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth!

  3. Words of wisdom. More grace


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