My Weekly Inspirations - 9

Message: “The Lord will give [unyielding and impenetrable] strength to His people; The Lord will bless His people with peace.” Psalms‬ ‭29‬:‭11‬ ‭AMP‬‬

This week was a busy one work wise! I recently started a new role in my nursing career so I had been orienting to the new unit and specialty of nursing. My usual schedule is three (3) twelve (12) hour shifts which is considered full time. I don't typically prefer to work three shifts in a row but I did this time 3x12 - it wasn't as exhausting as I thought it would be; I thank God for reminding me of His strength! 

To me, God's strength is like a well  that never runs dry - it is always available and can be drawn from at anytime. As long as we deliberately ask, we will receive. His strength got me through the week. I also thank Him for His peace which guides me in my thoughts, plans and work. 


Life is truly in seasons. There was a time in my modesty journey when I enjoyed wearing wide hats especially for church. I do cover my hair for church services for a few reasons:

  1. Because scripture addresses the practice (1 Corinthians 11)
  2. I don't want my hair to be a distraction during the church service
  3. It is another form of submission to the Lord for me 

I recently addressed this topic and answered some questions that I've received on the topic HERE

Marriage: You know what? Marriage is all about team work! An individualistic mindset and approach to life after marriage will yield an unsuccessful marriage. It’s surely a learning process of renewing our minds with the Word of God and being intentional about continually cultivating oneness. You must create time to pray, plan and play together as a team to build lifelong love! 

The process of taking this picture literally required teamwork. My husband held the phone while I pressed the camera button as we smiled for the capturing. We are teammates for life! In this season of life, we are learning how to communicate and remain teammates in nurturing and raising our children. The Lord is our helper! 


I had always loved babies. As a pediatric nurse, I  was so privileged to care for babies first hand. The Lord also used that season of my life to teach me so much about motherhood and parenting. It was a spiritual journey just as it was a professional one! 

I witnessed how parents were sleep deprived, stressed, frustrated but painstakingly cared for their babies in such selfless and sacrificial ways. 

As a mom now, I thank God for those opportunities of exposure to motherhood and parenthood through my profession. It's not easy; but I strive to be the best mommy I can be by God’s grace to our precious children 😊

I love motherhood. More importantly I love godly mothering. God has made provisions available in His Word for godly parenting. I pray to depend on the Word of God to become a godly and an exemplary Christian mother to our children. 

I hope that you're inspired by the 4 M's this week! 


Let's connect on socials:

Instagram: @mrs_charity_umar

Facebook: @Charity Boadi (Mrs Charity Umar)


Natural hair

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With love, 

Mrs. Charity Umar ❤️


  1. "Deliberately ask" I'm learning to lean on God as my no 1 source, many times I have found myself trying to be self sufficient. Beautiful pictures. 😍 God will continue to bless your family and your career.


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