Purity: The Battle of the Mind

Psalm 139:23-24
"Researchers say that more than 10,000 thoughts go through the human mind everyday." When I first learned of this fact, I was initially in disbelief. In attempting to 'prove' this statistic, I actively became aware of the thoughts that entered my mind during the course of each day. I later realized that though 10,000 thoughts a day is a lot, it is certainly not impossible after all! I didn't count every thought that entered my head; but, I did notice that there were an influx of different kinds of thoughts that entered my mind in a single day. I noted that many of our thoughts are triggered by the things we see on an everyday basis, others are things we wish to happen. This new finding propelled me further to pay attention to the content and quality of my thoughts. Which led me to a few questions: as a Christian, do I have power over my thoughts? Which direction do I lead my thoughts? Are all my thoughts godly? What do I do with the thoughts that aren't so godly?

The human mind is a powerful machine. It controls our desires, direction, and destiny. In fact, a person's spiritual and secular success is contingent upon the mind. Indeed, the mind is an influential aspect of one's life. It is through the mind that good and evil are nurtured and produced. In the mind one can envision vivid imaginations that are physically unreal nor unseen by others, but very real to the imaginer. So real that such thoughts and imaginations can be manifested physically by the individual. To this extend, the greatest area of attack from the Devil to all of humanity is through the mind. If the Devil can get a strong grip on a person's mind, this person is forever lost in his hands, except the mercy and revelation of God rescues that individual. When the Devil invades our mind, his presence makes one to view themselves as unworthy, which may lead to severe depression often resulting in suicide. Furthermore, the presence of the Devil in our mind makes us to nurture worry and anxiety - we begin to think about the "what if's" of life and what the future holds. This brings about great fear and apprehension. It also cripples us from moving in the direction of our dreams and possessing that which God has destined for us. In addition, the Devil in our mind can make us more susceptible to temptation. He brings ideas, thoughts, and images that are contrary to the word of God, but so paints it in a way that it becomes rather difficult to resist! 

I am reminded of a story in the book of Luke 4. It was after Jesus had fasted, was hungry and had been filled with the holy spirit that the Devil decided to come around to tempt Him, can you imagine? Of all times? This calls for vigilance lest we fall at the Tempter's feet! I noted some lessons in the Devil's temptation of Jesus: the Devil will always test us with what we want and with our weaknesses. Satan knew very well that Jesus was hungry at that time since He had been fasting, and what a great opportunity for him to tempt Christ at such a critical time as this when He could really use some physical food to satisfy his physical body.  So also should we as Christians be careful. There are many things that we want in life, which Satan can use to tempt us in acquiring, but will result in a regrettable end. I paraphrase my pastor's statement that, we ought to hold all things in life with a loose grip. If that man is to be your husband God will bring you two together unfailingly, you don't have to work anything out, God will beautifully orchestrate your story, and give you an awesome testimony! If that job is yours, God will make a way for you to have it. If you are to go on that trip, the Lord will miraculously provide. Rest in the Lord, and let not your heart be troubled. 

When we insist on having something or someone (as in a spouse), that object or person becomes an idol in our hearts and a great opportunity for Satan to utilize it to tempt us! What if Christ considered His weak body and yielded to the temptation of the Devil, you and I would have been forever doomed! As well, we all have weaknesses that are specific to us. It may be pornography, anger, envy, unbridled tongue, lust. It is needful for us to identify those weaknesses in our lives, and invite Jesus Christ to be the Strength of our weakness so as to be able to Stand and not yield when Satan attempts to tempt us with those weaknesses through our minds. So then, how do we combat this battle of the mind? In Luke 4, the main response Jesus used to counter Satan's temptable speech, was the Word of God. Jesus repeatedly stated "it is written" in response to Satan's temptation. This teaches us that Jesus was filled with the Word, trusted in the power of the Word, depended upon the Word, and knew that the Word would save Him in times of trouble and temptation; essentially the Word was His strength, and therefore, He activated the Word in His time of weakness. Also, the Word of God was the only weapon that had the power to drive Satan away! Oh, how I pray the Lord will create in us a special hunger and thirst for His Word and an unflinching trust in the Power of the Word so as to able to use it to refute every negative thought from the Devil in Jesus' name!

As a Christian, do I have power over my thoughts? Yes! One of my pastors described the battle of the mind as having a remote control in hand. Just as one can flip through channels and avoid unwanted TV stations, so also by the grace of God, we can 'flip' negative and ungodly thoughts from our minds by activating the Word of God.  Which direction do I lead my thoughts? What do I do to the thoughts that aren't so godly?  Sometimes certain thoughts arise in our minds that are extremely tempting to nurture; yet, because we are Christians and the Spirit of God lives in us we often feel guilty if we choose to allow those thoughts and images to take root. At such tempting times, we must refuse to allow the thoughts to control us. We must forcefully take control over the thoughts of our mind, and bring to captivity all of those imaginations to the obedience of Jesus Christ (2 Cor 10:3-5)! We can do this practically by quoting a specific scripture (hence, we ought to be filled with the Word of God as Christ was), praying against such thought, or singing a hymn! I have personally found those strategies to be quite helpful. When I resist the suggestive thoughts of Satan with the Word of God, he does flee! "...resist the devil, and he will flee from you"-James 4:7. By doing this, we learn from Paul as He says "But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection..."-1 Cor 9:27. 

Are all my thoughts godly? The answer is no! On a regular basis we encounter good thoughts and bad thoughts. A bad thought becomes sinful if we follow its lead instead of bringing it to a fierce halt, its progression. Sometimes Satan likes to plant ideas in us that makes us to look down on ourselves even after God has pronounced great and mighty promises about us in His Word. The devil causes us to feel depressed by highlighting our weaknesses and past sins. He tries to get us to a point where we think that there is no hope. The reality is that in Christ there is hope! If we will sincerely confess our sins to God and ask for forgiveness, He will forgive us and blot out our past from His records. Sin weakens and causes shame. But righteousness obtained by the washing of the blood of Jesus, exalts us, strengthens us, and gives us boldness - that when the devil tries to accuse us of our past sins, we can boldly direct him to the Cross and let him know that our debts have been freely taken care of by the precious Lamb of God. We are no longer condemned, but redeemed. The next time a thought pops into your mind, use the Word of God to 'screen' it. Ask yourself: "is this thought true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, virtuous and praise worthy (Philippians 4:8)?" "Would I be proud to discuss my thoughts with others or be ashamed of them?" If your thoughts do not pass this screening test, you must negate it with the word of God as we've earlier mentioned. 

I pray we will allow the Lord to search our hearts and cleanse us from all unrighteousness from within and without, and to keep us pure in mind at all times and in all situation in Jesus' name. In addition, to enrich us with His Word and remind us to put it to use in times of temptation.

I pray you are blessed!


  1. Amen!!! May Gods words enrich me amen!

  2. Beautifully written, Thank you for your work. God bless you & Amen


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